Trails and Blueways Council

Trails & Blueways Council

The Prince William County Trails and Blueways Council is an advisory council established by the Prince William Board of County Supervisors to provide services for the development of trails and blueways in Prince William County. The mission of the Council is to advise the Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism and the Board of County Supervisors on the development of a County-wide trails and blueways system in Prince William County.

The Council consists of 16 members appointed by the Board of County Supervisors (two representatives for each Board member). Each appointee shall be an individual from the community-at-large and shall live within Prince William County.

The Council generally meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the Board Chambers in the Hellwig Administration Building at George Hellwig Memorial Park, 14420 Bristow Road, Manassas, VA 20112. A simple majority of Council members shall constitute a quorum, and the meetings are open to the public. Agendas are usually available the Friday prior to the meeting.

The full 2025 council meeting calendar is available here.

2025 Meeting Agendas and Minutes

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PHNST Subcommittee Meeting Schedule & Minutes

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Archived Meeting Schedule and Minutes

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