
Preschool Webpage Header

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open for currently enrolled families on March 11 and for all others on March 25.

Limited enrollment for the current 2024-25 school year available in select programs, contact school location for availability.

Preschool Play Money Voucher

Limited Time Only: Earn a $50 Play Money Voucher When You Enroll in Preschool for the 2025-26 School Year!

  • Enrollment period for Current Participants in our preschool programs begins March 11 at 8:00am.
  • Open enrollment begins March 25
  • A $50 non-refundable registration fee is required at time of registration
  • Registration available online or in-person
  • First month tuition is due by August 1, 2025
  • Child Must Meet Entrance Age Requirements by September 30, 2025
  • Children enrolling in any classes for ages 3 and up, must be potty trained

Take Note:

  • Those who register by April 25, 2025 will receive a $50 Play Money Voucher*
  • Monthly Bank Draft/Credit Card payment option is available
  • Please see your preschool location for required paperwork

*Play Money Voucher

  • The Play Money Voucher will be sent via email by June 2, 2025 and must be used prior to September 30, 2025 (non-taxable items).
  • Play Money Vouchers can be used at all park locations for camp registration, waterpark admission, daily admission, facility rentals, etc.
  • Play Money Vouchers CANNOT be used for concessions/food/drink items, or for payment of fees for currently enrolled programs.
  • The total value must be used in the same transaction.
  • There will be NO CASH BACK or credit on Play Money Vouchers.

Ways to Register

Via Phone (See contact information for your preschool below)

In Person: In person registration is only at preferred school location (in-person registration for Gro held at Pat White Center at Ben Lomond). Limited class sizes - Register early.

Online: Register (Online registration will be available beginning March 11th for currently enrolled families and for all others beginning March 25th).

About Our Preschool Program

Our state-licensed Preschool prides itself on providing a quality program that emphasizes learning through play, in a safe and nurturing environment. Our Preschool provides thoughtfully planned experiences and opportunities, which stimulate learning in all developmental areas: social, emotional, physical, and cognitive. 

We provide a balanced program that includes choice and structured activities, whole group, small group and individual activities, and teacher and child-directed experiences. Our classroom environments are designed to encourage exploration and interaction with other children, teachers, and learning materials. Our curriculum is centered on dramatic play, blocks, art, sensory, science, math, music, movement, language and literature experiences. We seek to instill a lifelong love of learning.

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    Registration for Summer Camps is Now Open!

    Did you know PWC Parks offers Summer Camps for Preschoolers? Registration is now open! Register for your little camper today!
    Learn More


    Expand all
    • Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center
    • Sharron Baucom Dale City Recreation Center
    • Gro Preschool

    Tuition Information

    • Tuition for preschool programs is due the 1st of every month (unless making payment via ACH) and can be paid at the Front Desk or online. ACH payments will be drafted on the 15th of the month.

    • A late fee of $50.00 will automatically be added to your account if payment is not received by the 1st. Unpaid space will be made available to the next child on the waiting list beginning the 5th of each month

    • A $50.00 fee will be assessed for any returned checks, or non-receipt of ACH payment due to insufficient funds, invalid account number, etc.

    • Families choosing to leave the program for any reason and wishing to re-enroll at a later date- the $50.00 registration fee will apply with the full month tuition. Re-enrollment is dependent on available space.

    • A $10.00 multiple child discount will be given for each additional child in the same family. Full fee applies for the first child enrolled. Siblings must be registered at the same program site to receive discount.

    • If you need to cancel from our program, a two-week written notice is required. In the case of a refund, a $50.00 cancelation fee will be charged. Registration fees are non- refundable. Please note: If a two-week notice is not provided, fees are not refundable.

    To Complete Your Child's Registration, You Will Need To:

    • Make any payments related to the programs you have chosen.
    • Create an account with e-PACT. You will receive a link to e-PACT after registering.
    • Complete and/or upload the necessary forms associated with the program you registered.
    • Provide proof of your child's age at your preschool location.
    • Provide valid contact information for your family to include work phone numbers.
    • Continue to make changes, as needed, to your family's account.

    If you need assistance with the registration process: Email Ryan Amato
    Support will be available from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday

    Have a general question about Preschool? Email

    Parent Information:

    Camp Forms

    Remainder of 2024 - 2025 School Year Calendar

    January 20 Preschool Closed (Holiday)
    January 21 - 22 Preschool Closed (Teacher Workdays)
    February 17 Preschool Closed (Holiday)
    March 28 Preschool Closed (Teacher Workday)
    March 31 Preschool Closed (Holiday)
    April 14 - 18 Preschool Closed (Spring Break)
    April 21 Preschool Closed (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
    May 23 Preschool Ends (Last Day of Classes)

    2025 - 2026 School Year Calendar

    September 2 First Day of Classes Preschool Begins
    September 23 Holiday Preschool Closed
    October 2 Holiday Preschool Closed
    October 13 Preschool Closed Teacher Workday
    October 21 Holiday Preschool Closed
    November 3-4 Preschool Closed Teacher Workdays
    November 11 Holiday Preschool Closed
    November 26-28 Holiday Preschool Closed
    December 22-January 2 Winter Break Preschool Closed
    January 19 Holiday Preschool Closed
    January 23 Preschool Closed Teacher Workday
    January 26 Preschool Closed Teacher Workday
    February 16 Holiday Preschool Closed
    March 20 Holiday Preschool Closed
    March 30 - April 3 Spring Break Preschool Closed
    April 6 Preschool Closed Teacher Workday
    May 22 Last Day of Classes Preschool Ends


    During the initial registration process, you will compete a child information form, giving basic contact information along with the program you would like to register for. After registering for your desired program, you will be sent a link to access the ePACT system. Through this link you will be able to upload and complete forms including necessary medical information, emergency contacts and any special needs your child may have.

    ePACT is a system that is designed to create efficiencies for both customers and staff in maintaining confidential information in a secure and safe manner. ePACT maintains the same levels of security as online banking, and limits access only to the administrators who have been assigned privileges.

    Through ePACT, you will be able to create your own accounts, upload and complete the required forms giving DPRT the necessary information for your child(ren). You will continue to have easy access to this system to update your account as needed. 

    For our administrators, this system will allow quick access to pertinent participant information, decrease the need for paper copies making our programs more "green" and give administrators a variety of ways to communicate with you regarding program updates, alerts and requests for information.

    2025-2026 Preschool Required Admission Information Checklist

    Watch The ePACT Tutorial Video

    ePACT Tutorial video
















    For help completing your forms in ePACT, watch the ePACT Tutorial Video