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Annually the Board of County Supervisors sets a County-wide base tax rate, a Fire & Rescue levy and a Mosquito & Forest Pest Management levy. They also set special district levies which funds other public services such as road improvements. In addition, fees are set for storm water management and solid waste management.
The tax rate is expressed in dollars per one hundred dollars of assessed value. For example, if the total tax rate were $0.9945 per $100 of assessed value, then a property with an assessed value of $546,000 is calculated as:
($546,000 / $100) x $0.9945 = $5,429.97
The real estate tax is paid in two annual installments as shown on the tax calendar.
The County also levies a supplemental real estate tax on newly-constructed improvements completed after the beginning of the year.
Links to more information
Learn more: Storm Water Management
Learn more: Solid Waste Management
Email Stormwater Management or Solid Waste Management staff at StormandSolidInquiries@pwcgov.org
Most homeowners pay their real estate taxes through a mortgage services company. The County bills and collects tax payments directly from these companies. Occasionally, the billing information on file is incorrect and a real estate tax bill that should have been sent to a mortgage services company is instead mailed to a property owner. If your escrow real estate tax payment is wrapped in with your mortgage payment a mortgage services company, and you receive a real estate tax bill; please forward the bill to your mortgage company so they can make the payment on your behalf. Payments from mortgage services companies should be sent directly to the County.
The 2025 assessment notices were mailed beginning March 13, 2025 and are available on the website.
If you are uncertain about the accuracy of your 2025 assessment, on the basis of value or equity with other properties, you may:
1. Contact the Real Estate Assessments Office at 703-792-6780 to speak with the appraiser in your area to obtain more information about the valuation process and your assessment. Most questions/concerns can be resolved by discussing them with the appraiser.
2. File an administrative appeal of your assessment. The County appraiser considers market information relative to the property and information provided by the taxpayer. If this information shows the assessed value should be changed, the appraiser will make the necessary adjustment. If the evidence does not support a change, the appraiser will explain the reasons for not changing the assessment. The deadline for filing an Administrative Appeal for tax year 2025 assessments with the Real Estate Assessments Office is June 2, 2025. Appeal forms can be mailed to Real Estate Assessments Office, 4379 Ridgewood Center Drive, Suite 203, Woodbridge, VA 22192 or emailed to realestate@pwcgov.org
2025 Administrative Appeal Form
3. File an appeal to the Board of Equalization (BoE). The BoE is composed of eight County taxpayers and is established by the Board of County Supervisors to render an independent third party opinion in cases of disagreement between the taxpayer and the assessing official. Although the BoE is a quasi-judicial board, there is no application fee, and an attorney is not required. The deadline for filing an assessment appeal for tax year 2025 assessments with the BoE is July 1, 2025.
2025 Board of Equalization Appeal Form
Section 58.1-3379 of the Code of Virginia states "In all cases brought before the board, there shall be a presumption that the valuation determined by the assessor is correct. " and "The board shall hear and give consideration to such complaints and shall adjust and equalize such assessment and shall, moreover, be charged with the especial duty of increasing as well as decreasing assessments, whether specific complaint be laid or not, if in its judgment, the same be necessary to equalize and accomplish the end that the burden of taxation shall rest equally upon all citizens of such county or city."
4. File an appeal with the Circuit Court of Prince William County within three years of the assessment.
** The 2025 real estate assessment notices were mailed beginning March 13, 2025 and are available on-line at pwc.publicaccessnow.com.
*** We apologize for any issues you have accessing account information on the assessments website. Please verify that your browser does not have any plug-ins, extensions, or settings that force HTTPS (secure) on a website, such as the extension "HTTPS Everywhere". If you have Microsoft Edge installed on your machine, it is our understanding that it is able to resolve the lookup page without any settings changes.
All real property in Prince William County, except public service properties (operating railroads, interstate pipelines, and public utilities), is assessed annually by the Real Estate Assessments Office.
The Real Estate Assessments Office collects information regarding property descriptions, property sales, and other real estate market data. To ensure property descriptions are accurate, County appraisers periodically inspect properties to verify current data.
One or more of the following methods is used to value property:
Real estate assessments are a matter of public record. Other public information available at the real estate assessments office includes sale prices and dates, legal descriptions, descriptions of the land and buildings, and ownership information.
If you have questions about the real estate assessment process, please contact the Real Estate Assessments Office at 703-792-6780 or realestate@pwcgov.org.