Join 4-H volunteers and help 'make the best better!'
Do you want to have a positive, lasting impact on young people in our community? 4-H is an organization that engages youth in a large variety of university-based learning programs. We invite you to get involved and help us continue to provide safe, enriching programs where young people can explore a universe of interests, make new friends and gain skills they'll use for the rest of their lives.
4-H clubs belong to the families within our community. Our flourishing clubs owe their success to dedicated adult volunteer leaders! Cooperative Extension's 4-H staff train and work with dedicated volunteers who contribute their time, talents and resources to maintain and expand the 4-H program. Our volunteers help encourage and involve youth in educational learning experiences that lead to positive youth development.
Because of our volunteers, 4-H youth are having fun learning new things and gaining new skills. We are proud of their accomplishments. The future of our community, state and nation is in good hands!
Volunteer Training - New 4-H adult volunteer leaders receive excellent training to begin their work as a 4-H leader. The staff of Cooperative Extension's 4-H youth development program will conduct training sessions for new leaders as well as provide volunteer manuals and leader information materials. 4-H leaders will feel ready and equipped to begin leadership of a 4-H club. To ensure the success of clubs, the 4-H Extension staff will provide on-going support and training sessions for leaders and 4-H members throughout the year. 4-H leaders also provide a network of training and support for one another. A seasoned 4-H leader is always ready to share information with other leaders.
4-H Project Leader - Volunteers guide 4-H youth in learning by doing in a particular interest area. If you have a special skill or interest (such as photography, clothing, gardening or other project areas) you may assist at club meetings and/or at special activities (such as 4-H Project Day, 4-H day camps etc.).
Teen Volunteers - Some clubs have teen leaders who are also 4-H members. Teens develop their leadership skills and gain experience by assuming responsibilities for project groups or club games or activities under the guidance of an adult leader.
If you are a 4-H alumnus, please complete the 4-H Alumni Survey.
4-H Virginia Cooperative Extension 8033 Ashton Ave. Suite 105 Manassas VA 20109 703-792-6286 [email protected]