Comprehensive Plan Amendments web page
Effective January 16, 2025, this memorandum applies to new land use applications and those under review that have not yet been scheduled for a Planning Commission or Board of County Supervisors public hearing. The guidance emphasizes the importance of early and meaningful engagement with impacted communities and stakeholders to facilitate a smoother and more efficient review and public hearing process.
The Sudley Road Corridor in Prince William County has been chosen for the regional Technical Assistance Panel, or TAP, program during Fiscal Year 2025 by the Urban Land Institute Washington and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. The 2.87-mile corridor, near Interstate 66, is bordered by the Manassas Battlefield Park, Godwin Drive, Ashton Avenue and a section of Williamson Boulevard.
The Planning Office will host a public meeting on the Thoroughfare Historic Overlay District Project, Thursday November 14, 2024, at 7:30 pm at Tyler Elementary School. Planning Staff and Dovetail Cultural Resources Group, will discuss the initial project task, the National Register of Historic Places Nomination. More information at [email protected] or call 703-792-4544.
Effective August 19, 2024, the Prince William County Planning Commission has new County government-issued email addresses to contact them regarding land use applications going to the Planning Commission for public hearing. To access the Planning Commissioners’ updated contact information, please visit the Planning Commission website and navigate to the "Planning Commission Contact Info" section.
In March 2024, the Board of County Supervisors requested that meeting agendas and all related materials for upcoming meetings be posted on the Monday the week before the scheduled hearing to provide more time for Board and public review. Go to the web page for more information including memorandums and the Application Due Date Schedule
In July 2021, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors initiated amendments to the zoning text and county code to create an Affordable Housing Dwelling Unit Ordinance that would help people with incomes at or below the area median income live in the county while maintaining a basic lifestyle and meeting basic living needs. For more information go to the AfDU webpage.
As Yorkshire’s main roadway, Virginia Route 28 plays a vital role as a county gateway and is a major transportation route through the center of the community. In 2023, Prince William County was awarded a planning study to evaluate and recommend cost-effective improvement alternatives for multimodal travel in the Yorkshire Activity Center.
The online Prince William County 2040 Comprehensive Plan is now available on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan web page. The new online Comprehensive Plan is an interactive web application that includes all of the chapters of the plan organized to better present the contents of the plan. Please use the link button to explore all of the features of the new Plan format.
In 2023, the WashCOG TPB awarded a planning study to establish a process for ensuring the infrastructure constructed is in alignment with locally adopted goals for sustainability, resiliency, and climate change mitigation. The project will evaluate green infrastructure alternatives, including permeable surfaces, rain gardens, and landscaping.
Get the latest information on pending and completed zoning requests, special use permits, comprehensive plan amendments and more.
On February 28, 2023, through Ordinance 23-07, the Board voted to approve removing from the Noise Ordinance the exemption of commercial HVAC at night, exempting residential, with a sunset clause of one year. Concurrently, an amendment to the DCSM and the Zoning Ordinance was initiated through Res. No. 23-111 to work with stakeholders to address potential data center impacts including noise.
In January 2022, the County contracted with Camoin Associates to conduct an independent analysis to determine the past performance of targeted industries, provide future industry projections, and compare that with available zoned and planned commercial land to determine the pipeline of suitable land for economic development purposes for the next 20 years.
The Prince William Planning Office provides innovative land use planning to support Prince William County as an equitable, sustainable, and vibrant place offering access to employment, housing and mobility opportunities while respecting our distinct cultural and environmental resources as well as promoting the quality-of-life values that establish a unique sense of place. The Prince William Planning Office has four divisions: Long-Range Planning, Current Planning, Community Development, and Business Services.