The Prince William County Planning Commission is a panel of eight citizens appointed by the Board of County Supervisors to advise the Board on land use and development issues in the County. Unless specified otherwise, meetings occur twice a month at the Prince William County James J. McCoart Administration Building. Generally, Planning Commission work sessions commence at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Chambers, agenda review commences at 6:45 p.m. in the Potomac Conference Room, and public hearings commence at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Chambers. The meetings are open to the public. Dates or locations may be subject to change or cancellation based on need and/or changing circumstances.
*A link for live streaming of the Planning Commission hearings and work session will appear at the top of this web page when the meeting begins.
If a member of the public would like to comment on an agenda item or other County business but does not want or is unable to attend a meeting in person, they may register here to speak remotely during Public Comment time or on scheduled cases.(Note: Online registration is generally available by Thursday the week prior to the Planning Commission hearing date, and closes at 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday before the hearing.) Comments may be sent to [email protected]. In addition, the public is always welcome to call or email the full Planning Commission or individual Planning Commission members.
Please note that under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, comments, including any personally identifiable information that is included in the comments, are subject to public inspection.
Prior to a scheduled public hearing, property owners within 500 feet of the proposed case are notified by mail of the upcoming hearing, and, in the case of some applications, the homeowners association and/or civic associations are notified. The public hearing is advertised in local newspapers and the property is posted with public hearing signs.
During the public hearing:
Questions or comments?
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