• Agency Overview


    Prince William County’s Office of Housing and Community Development is committed to developing affordable housing opportunities and neighborhood resources for low and moderate-income area residents by implementing appropriate policies and programs, which provide a safe and healthy environment in which to work and play.

    15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Ste 112
    Woodbridge, VA 22191
    Joan S. Duckett
    Joan S. Duckett

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    PWC Fair Housing Plan

    The Metropolitan Washington Regional Fair Housing Plan outlines the goals, strategies, and priorities that we’ll focus on to: Reduce housing discrimination Reverse patterns of racial segregation Improve access and opportunities for all current and future residents.

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    Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation Program (NHRP)

    The program is designed to offer financial assistance to owner-occupied residents of Prince William County and the Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park to correct health and safety issues as well as to increase energy efficiency within their properties. The County receives Community Development Block (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to finance this program.

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    First-Time Home Buyer Program (FTHB)

    FTHB provides loans for down payment and closing cost assistance to First-Time Homebuyers who are low and moderate-income residents or persons working in the Prince William Area (Prince William County, the City of Manassas or Manassas Park) through the use of federal funding.

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    Affordable Dwelling Unit (AfDU) Ordinance

    In July 2021, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors initiated amendments to the zoning text and county code to create an Affordable Housing Dwelling Unit Ordinance that would help people with incomes at or below the area median income live in the county while maintaining a basic lifestyle and meeting basic living needs. For more information go to the AfDU webpage.

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    DRAFT PHA Action Plan Fiscal Year 2025

    The Annual PHA Plans provides a ready source for interested parties to locate basic PHA policies, rules, concerning the PHA’s operations, programs, and services, including changes to these policies, and informs HUD, families served by the PHA, and members of the public of the PHA’s mission, goals, and serving the needs of low- income, very low- income, and extremely low- income families

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    Substantial Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2025 Action Plan

    This notice provides the public with an opportunity to examine and comment on the proposed Substantial Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Action Plan for a period of 30 days. The Action Plan is part of the Consolidated Plan for the Prince William Area and identifies specific activities to be undertaken with the use of federal funding.

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    2026-2030 Consolidated Plan and 2026 Annual Action Plan

    The Draft Plan, documents housing and non-housing needs, outlines available resources and presents a one-year plan for using federal funds for federal fiscal year 2020 (FY2021). Citizens and other interested parties are urged to attend the informational meetings and/or submit written comments, by no later than midnight, March 14, 2025.

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    SHOWCASING NORTHERN VIRGINIA’S HOMEOWNERSHIP AND RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES Exhibits featuring apartment rentals, government assistance programs, home-buying opportunities and professionals, mortgage information and assistance and much more! Helpful free workshops and one-on-one consultations designed to help you get whether you need to rent or need to be ready to buy in Northern Virginia.

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    MOSTRANDO LAS OPORTUNIDADES PARA LA COMPRA DE VIVIENDA Y ALQUILER EN EL NORTE DE VIRGINIA ¡Explore docenas de exhibiciones que muestran apartamentos de alquileres, programas de asistencia del gobierno, oportunidades y profesionales para comprar una casa, información y asistencia sobre hipotecas.

Housing Staff Contact List

Get contact information for Housing Program Specialists for tenants moving into a new unit and those currently receiving assistance, inspectors for the Housing Choice Voucher program, Community Planning and Development staff that administers federal entitlement funding from HUD, and the Finance staff he Finance staff that prepares and maintains financial records for federal funding
See Contact List

Newspaper Notices

The Office of Housing and Community Development must give Public Notice for many of our programs to meet requirements for our Federal Funding.
Public Notices for Housing and Community Development Programs