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Circuit Court Clerk's Office

Summons to Answer Interrogatories

Interrogatories are a set of series of written questions drawn up for the purpose of being asked of a party, a garnishee or a witness or other party to be answered under oath (Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Court).

Documents to be filed:

1. Original and two copies of Summons to Answer Interrogatories for each service requested. YOU MUST furnish the Book & Page Number or Instrument Number of the docket judgment lien on the Summons to Answer Interrogatories.
2. Original and two copies of Exemption Claim Form for each service requested. (Form DC-407)

One copy of certificate in compliance with Virginia Code § 8.01-506.

If you are requesting documents to be produced (Subpoena Duces Tecum), you must submit an original request plus two copies for each service requested. An additional Clerk's fee as is required per request as well as Sheriff's fee per request.

Summons to Answer Interrogatories will retain the original case number of the Motion for Judgment unless the action is requested on a Foreign Judgment in which case a Court tracking number will be assigned.

At no time should a Garnishment case be re-opened to do Interrogatories.

If the intention is to have the matter heard in Circuit Court, the hearing date will be on a Friday Motions Day at 10:30 a.m. on the Friday you choose. For the Court's Public Parking Locations, please CLICK HERE.


Private Process

**Attorney Issued Subpoena Duce Tecum no charge**

$5.00 w/o Writ

$6.50 w/ Writ

$10.00 w/o Writ and Subpoena Duces Tecum

$11.50 w/ Writ and Subpoena Duces Tecum

Sheriff Services

$17.00 w/o Writ (1 Service)

$30.50 w/ Writ (2 Services)

$42.50 w/ Writ and Attorney Issues Subpoena Duces Tecum. (3 Services)

$47.50 w/ Writ and Subpoena Duces Tecum. (3 Services)

If serving one defendant at two different addresses, the service fee will be charged for each address.