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Circuit Court Clerk's Office

Agency Contacts


To Contact Judges' Chambers, call 703-792-6171. Catherine Carré is the staff attorney for the presiding judges in the 31st Judicial Circuit Court. 

​Judges ​Judge's Law Clerk Frequently Presides in​

The Honorable Angela Lemmon Horan, Chief Judge 

Rory Hatch  Circuit Courtrooms
The Honorable Kimberly A. Irving  Christopher Hadsall Circuit Courtrooms
​The Honorable Tracy C. Hudson Hannah Clarizio Mahn Circuit Courtrooms
The Honorable Petula C. Metzler  Samantha Hungerford Circuit Courtrooms
The Honorable Carroll A. Weimer, Jr.  Peter Abernathy Circuit Courtrooms
The Honorable James A. Willet  Dylan Sparks Circuit Courtrooms
The Honorable Robert P. Coleman Rebecca Dougherty Courtroom 7 (Second Floor)

Recording Equipment and Portable Devices Policy (e.g. cell phones)

Requirements for Discovery Requests (Discovery Charts)