Deferred Payment Agreement
Court Order
*Effective July 1, 2024: If the Defendant’s sole financial resource is a Social Security benefit or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), they are not required to pay their fines and costs until they have another resource or source of income. As long as the Defendant’s sole income remains unchanged, their account will not go to collections. Any restitution that has been ordered to be paid by the Defendant is not included in this exemption of payment and is due as ordered by the Court.
Criminal Office
- The defendant shall be required to complete form DC-211 form and submit same with the application.
The defendant shall be required to pay not less than the following:
a. $25.00 per month if the balance due in fines and costs subject to the plan does not exceed $750.00.
b. $ 50.00 per month for balances over $750.00 but less than $1500.00.
c. $75.00 per month for balances over $1500.00 but less than $2500.00.
d. $100.00 per month for balances over $2500.00.
- Payments lower than stated above must be approved by the sentencing judge. A motion must be filed.
- The first payment under the plan shall be due on the first or 15 day of the month immediately following the month in which the application is made, whichever shall be farther removed there from.
Methods of Payments
- Online Payment
- Cash
- Personal Checks with your name and address printed on the check. NO STARTER CHECKS ACCEPTED. The address on the check must be the same as the address on your identification. Make checks payable to: Clerk of Circuit Court
- Company checks from your employer
- Money orders, cashier checks and certified checks - payable to: Clerk of Circuit Court
- Visa, Discover and MasterCard
Other Information
- Include your case number on payment.
- If paying by mail, a self–addressed stamped envelope is required if you request a receipt.
- If your assessed costs include restitution, payments received will be applied to restitution first until satisfied then the remaining payments received will be applied to the court costs.
- Pursuant to Virginia Code § 19.2-353.3 payments associated with dishonored checks and credit cards accounts will be assessed an additional fee of 10% with a minimum of $50.00.
Penalties for Failure to Comply with Deferred Payment Plans
- The Court may issue a Capias for your arrest.
- The unpaid amount shall be forwarded to a Collection Attorney.