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Circuit Court Clerk's Office

Circuit Court Clerk's Phone Directory

The most efficient way to contact the people below is to send an e-mail to circuitcourt@pwcgov.org. It is checked throughout the day. This will ensure that your email is answered in a timely manner.

Clerk of Circuit Court: The Honorable Jacqueline C. Smith, Esquire

Chief Deputy Clerk: Kristina Gleason

Executive Assistant to the Clerk: Penny Whitney

Executive Logistics Deputy: Mike Mallon

County ITR Specialist: Jackie Scott

Finance Deputy: Jillian Richards

Court Administration Manager: Susana Machado

Criminal Supervisor: Lauren Swartz

Court Support Supervisor: Christy Hansbrough

Civil Supervisor: Brenda Elford

Jury Clerks: Sarah Bonini 

Records Administration Manager: Mitzi Turner

Land Records Supervisor: Angie Dye

Probate Supervisor: Glenn Cannon 

Public Service Supervisor: Jackie Scott