EMS Billing Program



Prince William County has grown tremendously over the decades and that growth has placed greater service delivery demands on our system. The new economic reality that Prince William County, our region, state and the entire nation, now find themselves operating in, has required the County to evaluate every possible option for stabilizing revenue, while considering the impact on our citizens. As a means to increase and diversify revenue, the Prince William County Board of Supervisors and the Department of Fire and Rescue implemented the EMS billing program on July 1, 2011.
The EMS billing program is a revenue initiative for emergency medical service (EMS) incidents, which result in the transport of a patient to the hospital. The patient’s health insurance company will be billed for services rendered, similar to the process hospitals or doctors use now. Transport services are already included in insurance premium calculations and by not billing for these services already paid, Prince William County loses legitimate revenue. 
Prince William County’s billing approach is a compassionate approach, meaning the direct financial impact to County citizens is minimized. Any remaining co-payment or deductible, after the insurance company has been billed, will not be charged to the County resident.
The implementation of the EMS billing program will not impact the services Fire and Rescue provides. Emergency medical care and transport of our residents and visitors, remains the top priority of Fire and Rescue. EMS will always be provided without regard to anyone’s ability to pay.  

 Prince William County contracts with Digitech LLC (effective 12/01/2024) to conduct all billing and payment collection activity on behalf of the county.  For inquiries, related to dates of service prior to 12/01/2024 please contact us directly at 703-792-5576.

For Digitech Customer Service Billing Inquiries: Toll Free: 888-212-1581 Local: 703-570-6557
For Bill request only: www.chartswap.com
EMS Medical Records: 703-792-6800

Payment Remittance Address: Prince William County Dept. Fire & Rescue, P.O. Box 711612, Philadelphia, PA 19171-1612

For more information regarding the program, please see EMS Billing FactsEMS Billing FAQs or email us at [email protected].

For information regarding our HIPAA Privacy Practices please review our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.