Resolve to be Ready in 2025!

FEMA’s Resolve to Be Ready campaign is your go-to guide for getting prepared and staying safe! Each year, this campaign inspires families and communities to take simple, proactive steps like building emergency kits, creating plans, and staying informed about potential risks. With practical tips, free resources, and easy-to-follow advice, it’s never been easier—or more important—to get ready for whatever comes your way. Let’s make preparedness a part of everyday life! 💪
Learn More About Preparedness and How to be Ready!
  • Overview


    The County’s Office of Emergency Management coordinates efforts to ensure that the County is able to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to and recover from any type of natural or human-caused disaster. The County uses an all-hazards approach to emergency preparedness, which means that planning efforts consider all types of disasters that could occur in the County. Emergency Management resides under the Department of Fire and Rescue.

    3 County Complex Ct.
    Prince William, VA 22192
    (703) 792–7050 (TTY: 711)
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM M-F
    Brian Misner
    Brian Misner
    Emergency Management Coordinator