**Information on filing 2025 tax relief program applications here.
Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons who meet certain criteria may be granted relief from all or part of their real estate taxes, personal property tax on one vehicle, the vehicle registration/license fee, and the solid waste fee. (Prince William County Code, Chapter 26, Article V) Neither leased vehicles nor motorcycles will qualify for tax relief. Eligibility criteria may change from year to year.
To qualify, an applicant must:
- Be 65 years of age or older as of December 31, 2025 or have a disability that is certified as total and permanent. Relief will be prorated for those applicants that turn 65 or are certified to be totally and permanently disabled during calendar year 2025.
- Have a gross household income (from calendar year 2024) from all sources of not more than $113,463 - The first $10,000 of income earned by any relative living in the household other than the owner(s) or spouse is excluded. For an applicant who qualifies as permanently and totally disabled, the first $7,500 of any income received by the applicant as permanent disability compensation is excluded.
- Have a combined financial net worth for the applicant and spouse of not more than $340,000, excluding the residence for which the exemption is sought and up to 25 acres of land it occupies.
- Own and occupy the home as his/her sole dwelling.
- For additional eligibility criteria, please contact the Real Estate Assessments Office at 703-792-6780.
Contact the Real Estate Assessments Office at 703-792-6780 or [email protected] for more information about the program or to request an application.
2025 Tax Relief Brochure
2025 folleto en espanol
2025 First Time Application
Senior citizens and disabled persons have the option to pay their real estate taxes in monthly installments rather than semi-annually. The monthly installment program allows 12 equal payments to be made for taxes assessed on real estate property owned and occupied as the owner's sole dwelling. For more on this program, click here.