The Board of County Supervisors established a Storm Water Management Program on March 15, 1994. This program is responsible for effectively managing the County's stormwater management system by:
These activities will help safeguard the water quality in County streams and control the pollution into our streams that eventually flow to the Chesapeake Bay. When Congress passed the Clean Water Act, the federal government demonstrated its dedication to improving and protecting our nation's waters. Prince William County is also committed to these goals.
The County is subject to federal and Virginia laws. The federal and Virginia governments require Prince William County to meet stringent, yet unfunded, regulations on stormwater management, water quality controls, watershed protection, and wetland preservation. These regulations are part of the Clean Water Act, which helps maintain water quality in County streams and reduce pollution in the Chesapeake Bay.
Focusing Efforts to Protect Our Water
The stormwater management program addresses four major tasks: drainage, water quality, erosion and pollution control, and flooding. With these tasks in mind the County has begun efforts to improve or repair drainage facilities. Staff monitor and restore streams. Stricter erosion control of development projects is enforced. County staff take aggressive approaches to eliminate sources of pollution and to educate the public about pollution prevention. The community has an elaborate system of drains, pipes, and culverts to help control storm water runoff.
Learn more about those systems. There are also storm water management ponds located throughout the County to help control storm water runoff.
You can learn about pollution prevention through programs offered by the Virginia Cooperative Extension at /department/virginia-cooperative-extension or the Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District at
A Fair and Equitable Source of Funding
Funding for stormwater-related activities is necessary to meet stringent regulations and fulfill local needs provided by stormwater management systems.
Fulfilling Local Needs and Protection
Funding for the storm water management program will help ensure local requirements are being met. Local needs include maintaining and repairing drainage systems constructing capital improvements to minimize flood hazards and non-point source pollution and completing watershed management plans for the 32 sub-watersheds in the County.
Revenue from the stormwater management fee is dedicated solely to the operation and construction of comprehensive watershed management projects. This ensures we can meet both the Federal and Virginia requirements and fulfill local needs.
Services to Prince William County include: