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    Effective March 31, 2025, the use of solid waste decals will be discontinued. The Tax Administration will cease the issuance of these decals as of March 14th.

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    Effective March 31, 2025, the use of solid waste decals will be discontinued. The Tax Administration will cease the issuance of these decals as of March 14th.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests Tax Administration

The information on this page applies to Tax Administration-specific requests only. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for other Prince William County agencies are processed by their respective FOIA Liaison Officers or the Office of the County Attorney.

Virginia FOIA At-A-Glance

Virginia FOIA grants residents access to public records of public bodies, officials, and employees. A public record is any writing or recording—regardless of form: paper, electronic file, audio/video recording, or other format—that is prepared or owned by the department or an employee in the course of public business.

FOIA applies to existing records/documents only, meaning the Tax Administration Division is not required to create a new record in response to any request. Additionally, FOIA does not mandate the Tax Administration Division to answer questions; requests only pertain to accessing, inspecting, or retrieving existing records/documents. 

Tips for Submitting a FOIA Request

To be helpful in the process, FOIA requests should be as detailed as reasonably possible and outline the specific information and records/documents you seek. Please include your full name and legal address as the requestor and any other relevant details to aid in locating the records/documents you seek.

The FOIA Liaison Officer or another County representative may contact you to clarify your request. This is to ensure we understand your request fully so it can be completed properly and efficiently. The Tax Administration Division will not ask you to provide a reason for submitting your request.

How To Submit a FOIA Request to the Tax Administration Division

The Department's FOIA Liaison Officer processes FOIA requests, which can be submitted in person, by U.S. mail, fax, or phone, by emailing foia-taxadmin@pwcgov.org, or by submitting a Tax Administration FOIA Request Form located below.

DO NOT USE THIS FORM for the following as this may delay your receiving a response promptly from Tax Administration: Request for adjusting an account (examples: moved out of the county, disposal of a vehicle, adding a new car), account documentation; questions regarding accounts, submitting business license renewals or tangible returns, request for military exemption, real estate question, and statement requests.

These types of requests are to be sent to  taxpayerservices@pwcgov.org


  • Who is eligible to submit a FOIA request?
  • How long will it take to receive a response to my request?
  • What information can be obtained without submitting a request?
  • What are the reasons my request could be denied?
  • Are there costs associated with my request?

For more information, please contact the FOIA Liaison Officer by email.