The Board of County Supervisors adopted several "targeted industries" in 1999 to focus the County's economic development programs and efforts. Since then, the targeted list of industries is periodically evaluated and refined to ensure the County remains competitive. In January 2022, the County contracted with Camoin Associates to conduct an independent analysis to determine the past performance of targeted industries, provide future industry projections, and compare that with available zoned and planned commercial land to determine the pipeline of suitable land for economic development purposes for the next 20 years.
Virtual Community Q&A and Public Information Meeting held on July 14, 2022 (Zoom Meeting)
The Prince William County Planning Office and Department of Economic Development held a public information meeting in which the consultant, Camoin Associates, provided an overview of the key findings of the Targeted Industry Land Need Analysis, as well as respond to questions from the community that were submitted in advance.
Background Data provided to Camoin