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Planning Office

Public Facilities Review

Public facilities such as telecommunication towers, water tanks, schools and sewer lines are required to be located and constructed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan (Plan). In some instances, locations of public facilities are shown in the Plan and no further review is required. However, if the public facility is not shown in the Plan, a Public Facility Review (PFR) may be required.

The following uses are typically excepted from the requirement for a public facility review. However, all improvements must be consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and the Design and Construction Standards Manual (DCSM), and a site plan may be required in accordance with Part 800 of the Zoning Ordinance. A finding of exception from the requirement for a public facility review does not provide relief in any way from applying for and obtaining building, land disturbance and other relevant permits from the Department of Development Services prior to construction.

  • Railroad facilities;
  • Facilities or features shown in the Comprehensive Plan;
  • Paving, repair, reconstruction, improvement, drainage, or similar work;
  • Normal service extension of public utilities or public service corporations;
  • Any public area, facility or use which is identified within, but not the entire subject of, a subdivision or site plan;
  • Facilities approved through acceptance of a proffer made as part of a rezoning; and
  • Electrical transmission lines of 150kv or more

Applicants are asked to complete a Public Facility Determination Request form if unsure whether or not a public facility review is required. If the proposal is determined by staff to need a public facility review, applicants are asked to contact the Planning Office to set up a pre-application meeting. After the pre-application meeting the applicants are asked to complete and submit a Public Facility Review Application Package with the application fee if required.

Questions or comments?

Please note that under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, comments, including any personally identifiable information that is included in the comments, are subject to public inspection.

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