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Planning Office

Architectural Review Board

The Architectural Review Board (ARB) is an advisory board, to the Board of County Supervisors and other county officials, on the protection of local historical and cultural resources.  Duties include reviewing National Register Nominations and Certified Local Government grant applications; conducting an ongoing inventory of historic properties in the County and reviewing certificates of appropriateness.

When a homeowner, whose home is within a historic overlay district, performs substantial alterations or makes any changes to the outside appearance of the home they must first apply to the Architectural Review Board for a Certificate of Appropriateness.  Virginia law requires any locality with one or more historic district to designate a review board that reviews and issues a Certificate of Appropriateness for structural alteration and/or demolition within the historic district/districts. The ARB serves as a review board for the Buckland Historic Overlay District which is the only historic overlay district currently within the County.

When there is an agenda, the ARB usually meets on the second Wednesday of the month. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are normally held in Conference Room 202 B in the Development Services Building located at 5 County Complex Court, Prince William, VA  22192. 

ARB meetings are open to the public. 


The next regularly scheduled meeting of the ARB is on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room 202 B in the Development Services Building located at 5 County Complex Court,
Prince William, VA  22192. 


The Agenda is usually posted five days before the meeting. 

Architectural Review Board Archives - Agendas, approved briefs and resolutions, and audio recordings from previous meetings 

Architectural Review Board member roster

Architectural Review Board Bylaws

A majority of ARB members must have professional experience in one of the following fields: architecture, archaeology, history, or planning.  In addition, ARB members are required to attend State approved training on a yearly basis.

To confirm meeting schedule or for further information contact Toni Brzyski at (703) 792-6832 (TTY: 711) or email to [email protected].  

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