The Animal Advisory Committee (AAC) is charged by the Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) with:
The AAC does not comment on, or consider matters relating to, farming, livestock, beekeeping, fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife, circuses, zoos, private persons, private property, animal-testing facilities or educational institutions.
The AAC recognizes the County's fiscal constraints and does not comment on, or consider, matters that require greater expenditure of public funds beyond the current budget for the Animal Services Center, the Animal Control Bureau, or any other County agency.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month -- 10 months out of the year -- at the James J. McCoart Administration Building, 1 County Complex Court, Woodbridge, VA 22192. Citizens are welcome to attend and are permitted to speak during Citizen's time. The Meeting begins at 6:45p.m. Citizens' time is the first item on the Agenda. AAC subcommittees meet, as needed, and provide official report outs of their activities at the monthly AAC meeting.
Citizen involvement in the AAC is encouraged. PWC residents who are interested in volunteering on the ACC (e.g., as a member of a subcommittee) can attend a monthly AAC meeting to learn more or reach out to the Committee at the email listed below.
Meeting minutes are approved the month following each meeting and will be posted here.
Upcoming meetings (subject to change):
Members can be contacted at: [email protected]