Prince William County Launches Housing and Community Needs Survey to Guide Federal Funding Priorities

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Greater Prince William County, including the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park, receives more than $3 million each year in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD.  

The Community Planning and Development HUD funding allocation affords the Prince William area with the opportunity to invest in housing and community facilities, housing-related public services and homelessness prevention initiatives. 

To determine where best to use the funding, the Prince William County Office of Housing and Community Development, or OHCD, will conduct its Housing and Community Needs Survey to gather residents' perspectives on housing and service needs in their communities. 

The survey, administered every five years, asks residents to weigh in on where they live, their opinions on what type of housing is needed in the county, and what housing-related public services and public facilities are needed in the community. The study also seeks to capture information on vulnerable populations within the community, homelessness-related issues and housing solutions for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. 

Joan Duckett, Director of Housing and Community Development, emphasized the importance of community input, stating, “Hearing directly from residents provides us with valuable guidance on how to prioritize and direct our resources. Community feedback is essential to shaping programs that meet the unique needs of our area, and it allows us to make informed decisions that support a stronger, more resilient community.”  

Residents can participate in the survey online, which takes approximately five minutes to complete. The survey is available at: 

As the lead agency in administering the survey, OHCD will follow guidelines in HUD’s Consolidated Plan. This document helps local jurisdictions and states collaborate on assessing community development and affordable housing needs. 

Assessing information gathered in the survey will allow for data-driven decisions on community investments and support neighborhood and community development strategies that are both effective and coordinated. 

The Consolidated Plan also enables strategic planning and citizen participation to occur comprehensively, reducing duplicated efforts and serves as an application for HUD funding. The plan is implemented through communities’ Annual Action Plans, which outline specific actions, activities and resources to address priorities identified in the Consolidated Plan.  

HUD funding reaches the Greater Prince William area through several programs, including the Community Development Block Grant, the Home Investment Partnership Program and the Emergency Solutions Grant. 

For more information about the Prince William Housing and Community Needs Survey or OHCD’s programs, visit

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