Caregiver Support Groups
You may also be interested to know: links older adults and their caregivers to community programs across the Commonwealth. Visit this site to a complete list of support groups in our area and across Virginia.
A variety of services and resources are available to assist caregivers. Visit our Caregiver Assistancepage to learn more.
Support Group Information
Information about support groups is likely to change over time. If you find that any of our information is outdated, or you would like to share knowledge of other caregiver or eldercare-related groups please let us know! Email or call 703-792-6374.
The care of an older family member or friend is often provided by relatives and friends. Caregiving can create physical, economic, and emotional stress. Groups of people experiencing similar issues provide a supportive atmosphere, information about community resources, as well as tips on how to prevent burnout.
Please contact a group’s hotline before attending a session for the first time to verify meeting information, obtain directions, and receive other information about the group.
Location: First Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Contact: Stephanie Craddock
(703) 670-0184
Contact email:
Location: Novant Health Caton Merchant House
Contact: Mary Kren
(703) 361-8841
Location: St. Thomas United Methodist Church
Contact: Mary Kren
(703) 361-8841
Location: Lake Ridge Telephone Conference Call
Contact: Elizabeth Glyer more information)
Prince William Senior Center
Location: Woodbridge
Contact: Kate Tanner at (703) 501-0749
Floyd Rose at (703) 908-9280
Caregivers for Early Stage Dementia
Location: Manassas
Main phone: (703) 361-8841