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Traffic Safety Information

Once a complaint is received, it is forwarded to the Traffic Unit and, depending on the complaint, the respective District Commander for further review and action. Most complaints are tracked and assigned for follow-up. 

All traffic laws are enforced by the police department as time and staffing permits. While no preference is given to one law over the other, the police department recognizes roadway safety is paramount. The police department’s primary goal for traffic enforcement is focused on those violations that impact the safety of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians traversing county roadways. Most traffic violations must be witnessed by police and determined to be a violation in order to be enforced. In cases of most traffic violations, an officer has the discretion to cite the driver; however, it should be noted that this does not immediately remedy the issue and would be incumbent upon the driver to comply with the law. The police department is unable to take further action in most cases, beyond the issuance of a court summons, for violations. 

Commercial Vehicle Concerns: To express concerns with any commercial vehicle traveling through, parking, or otherwise operating in Prince William County, please send an email to the Police Department.

​Traffic safety is the responsibility of everyone using streets and roadways: pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists and vehicle operators. We feature current traffic-safety initiatives, educate residents on traffic safety, and provide resources that you can use and share with others.

The Prince William County Police Department takes part in several regional traffic safety campaigns throughout the year, in addition to our routine traffic enforcement efforts. These campaigns center on specific enforcement of laws enacted to save lives. With each campaign, the Department issues a news release announcing the campaign dates and the goal the campaign is seeking to achieve. Social media posts are then completed throughout the campaign to continue the educational element for the public.

In addition to these campaigns, the Police Department also holds specific County-related traffic safety efforts around the beginning of each school year in school zones to educate drivers that school is back in session and to take necessary enforcement action for the safety of students. With regard to DUI safety, the Police Department also announces DUI related checkpoints in advance in an effort to deter drunk driving by encouraging sober driving or having a designated driver. Around the holidays throughout the year, the Department partners with and shares information on regional programs options such as the Washington Regional Alcohol Program's SoberRide.


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  • Click it or Ticket
  • Driver Sober or Get Pulled Over/Checkpoint Strike Force
  • Enhanced Fines for Speeding
  • Pedal Down, Phone Down
  • Street Smart

Bicycle Safety

Make Safe Choices - Ride Defensively

  • Do not wear headphones while riding.
  • Keep both hands on the handlebars, except when signaling.
  • Keep both feet on pedals.
  • In a group, ride single-file with the flow of traffic.
  • Wear a brightly colored helmet and retro-reflective material on your clothing.
  • Use the correct hand signals.
  • Before entering a roadway: Stop. Look left. Look right. Look left.
  • Avoid riding at twilight or in the dark, especially on narrow roads and roads with speed limits that exceed 35 mph.

Child Passenger Safety

Secure Young Passengers

  • The Prince William County Police Department wishes to help parents and other caregivers clearly understand Virginia's child passenger safety laws so that they can safely and legally transport children.

Motorcycle Safety

Wear Appropriate Gear

  • Always wear a helmet with a face shield or protective eye wear.
  • Wearing a helmet is the best way to protect against severe head injuries. A motorcycle rider not wearing a helmet is five times more likely to sustain a critical head injury.
  • Make sure to wear protective gear and clothing that will minimize the amount of injuries in case of an accident or a skid. Wearing leather clothing, boots with nonskid soles, and gloves can protect your body from severe injuries. Consider attaching reflective tape to your clothing to make it easier for other drivers to see you.

Follow Traffic Rules

  • Obey the speed limit; the faster you go the longer it will take you to stop. Be aware of local traffic laws and rules of the road.

Ride Defensively

  • Don't assume that a driver can see you, as nearly two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents are caused by a driver violating a rider's right of way. 
  • You should always ride with your headlights on; stay out of a driver's blind spot; signal well in advance of any change in direction; and watch for turning vehicles.
  • Keep your riding skills honed through education.
  • Complete a formal riding education program, get licensed and take riding courses from time to time to develop riding techniques and to sharpen your street-riding strategies.

Be Alert and Ride Sober

  • Don't drink and ride, you could cause harm to yourself and others.
  • Fatigue and drowsiness can impair your ability to react, so make sure that you are well rested when you hit the road.

Pedestrian Safety - Pedestrians

 Be Visible

  • Make sure you’re visible to drivers at all times and make eye contact with them whenever possible. This is especially important at night, in low-light conditions such as dusk or dawn,  or in inclement weather. 
  • Wear lightly colored or reflective clothing at night and brightly colored clothing during the day.
  • Stay in well-lit areas, especially when crossing the street.
  • If possible, make eye contact with drivers in stopped vehicles to ensure they see you before you cross in front of them.

Stay Alert – Avoid Distractions

  • Distractions are everywhere and are more difficult to avoid. As a pedestrian, your eyes and ears are your best tools for keeping safe. Stay alert and watch out.
  • Put down your phone. Smartphones and handheld electronic devices are a daily part of life, but they take your eyes off of the road and distract your attention.
  • Don’t wear headphones. Your ears will tell you a lot about what is happening around you – be sure to use them.

Follow the Rules

  • Know and follow all traffic rules, signs and signals. You need to be aware of the rules vehicles around you must follow to properly anticipate what drivers will do. This will help increase your safety.
  • Never assume a driver will give you the right of way. Make every effort to make eye contact with the driver of a stopped or approaching vehicle before entering the roadway.

Walk in Safe Places

  • Use crosswalks when crossing the street. If a crosswalk is unavailable, be sure to find the most well-lit spot on the road to cross and wait for a long enough gap in traffic to make it safely across the street.
  • Stay on sidewalks whenever possible. If a sidewalk is not available, be sure to walk on the far side of the road facing traffic. This will help increase your visibility to drivers.
  • Avoid walking along highways or other roadways where pedestrians are prohibited.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol

  • Oftentimes traffic crashes resulting in pedestrian deaths involve alcohol consumption. Alcohol impairs your decision-making skills, physical reflexes and other abilities just as much on your feet as it does behind the wheel.

Pedestrian Safety - Drivers

Be Alert

  • Look out for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists at all times. When you are operating a vehicle, you have accepted a heightened responsibility for other people on the road. 
  • Safety is a two-way street. Often, pedestrians— especially younger ones— are not where they should be or where you would expect them to be. Remain vigilant at all times.
  • Follow posted speed limits at all times, especially in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic. This is even more important in areas that have lower speed limits, such as school zones and neighborhood streets where pedestrians may appear suddenly.
  • Overall visibility is limited in bad weather conditions and poorly lit areas. Not only is it more difficult for drivers to see oncoming pedestrians, it also is harder for pedestrians to see you. Make sure your lights are on and you use your signals properly. Use extra caution in these circumstances.
  • Be mindful of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists  when pulling into and out of driveways – especially if you are backing up. People traveling in these ways can easily enter your path without your knowledge.


  • Always yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk.
  • When approaching a crosswalk, reduce your speed and be prepared to stop.
  • When you are stopped at a crosswalk, allow enough room between your vehicle and the crosswalk so other drivers can see the pedestrians you have stopped for.
  • Do not pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk. They have stopped to allow pedestrians to pass or make sure the way is clear.

Do Not Drive Under the Influence

  • Alcohol and drugs impair your reaction time, reflexes, decision-making skills and overall cognitive functions. Getting behind the wheel while impaired puts everyone in danger.

Closing Roads for Events

If you're planning an event where you need to request temporary closure of one or more state-maintained roads in Prince William County, please review the linked documents from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) so that your event is both lawful and safe.

For more information, please contact the Public Information Office by calling (703) 792-5123 or email.