The Prince William County Police Department is responsible for effectively and impartially enforcing the law while serving and protecting the community.
We believe integrity, honesty, and equality in the delivery of all police services is essential to building cooperation and trust with the community.
We strive to always achieve these values through a shared responsibility of accountability, transparency, and respect.
The Chief of Police, Colonel Peter Newsham, serves as the commanding officer of the Department and is directly responsible to the County Executive for all elements of the Department. The Chief of Police is responsible for ensuring that the Department enforces all laws and ordinances within its legal jurisdiction in a just and impartial manner, and is responsible for the planning, directing, coordinating, staffing, and control of all activities of the Department for its continued and efficient operation; for the completion and forwarding of such reports or programs as may be required by competent authority; and for the state of relations between the residents of Prince William County, the County Government, other agencies and the Department.
The Deputy Chief of Police, Lieutenant Colonel Kimberly Chisley-Missouri, is the second-in-command of the Department and reports directly to the Chief of Police. The Deputy Chief has the final Departmental authority in all matters of policy, operations, and discipline as designated by the Chief of Police. The Deputy Chief also assumes all authority, duties, and responsibilities of the Chief of Police in their absence.
The Deputy Chief of Police also oversees all bureaus under the Department's four divisions as outlined below.
The Office of the Chief, headed by Chief of Staff Matt Bromeland, oversees the daily operations of the Chief's Office, as well as leading, facilitating or monitoring assigned special projects and representing the Office of the Chief on committees. The Chief of Staff also coordinates with Administrative Support and serves as the commander of the Peer Support Team. Additionally, the Chief of Staff oversees the Community Engagement Section and the Public Information Office.
Chief of Staff Matthew Bromeland
The Office of Professional Standards, headed by Captain Dave Burghart, investigates allegations of misconduct by Department personnel and all use-of-force incidents. This office also oversees Accreditation and Policy Services and the Body-Worn Camera Unit.
Captain Dave Burghart
The Police Department is committed to providing the public with the highest level of professional law enforcement service. We shall always strive to perform our duties with acceptance, understanding and approval.
For more information about filing a compliment or complaint, please contact the Office of Professional Standards by calling the number above or email.
The Criminal Investigations Division, headed by Major Shana Hrubes, with the assistance of Captain Brandan Dudley and Captain Neil Miller, investigates major criminal offenses and manages the Department's juvenile education programs. Falling within the Criminal Investigations Division are the Property and Financial Crimes Bureau, Special Investigations Bureau, Special Victims Bureau, Violent Crimes Bureau, and the Youth Services Bureau.
Assistant Chief Shana Hrubes
The Financial & Technical Services Division, headed by Administrative Division Chief Tom Pulaski, provides additional internal services to the Police Department including financial and technical support. Falling within the Financial & Technical Services Division are the Fiscal and Policy Management Bureau and the Information Technology Management Bureau. Planning, Research, and Facility Services also falls under this division.
Administrative Chief Thomas Pulaski
The Operations Division, headed by Major Kevin Hughart, is responsible for maintaining police officers in constant operational readiness for immediate response to any call for service requiring police presence. Nearly two-thirds of the Department’s personnel are assigned to the Operations Division, which includes the Patrol Services Bureau and the Special Operations Bureau.
Assistant Chief Kevin Hughart
The Support Services Division, headed by Major Jacques Poirier, provides support services to the Office of the Chief and other divisions. Falling within the Support Services Division are the Administrative Services Bureau, Animal Control Bureau, Criminal Justice Academy, and the Personnel Bureau.
Assistant Chief Jacques Poirier
For more information, please contact the Public Information Office by calling (703) 792-5123 or email.