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    Information released regarding the Aug. 1, 2024 police-involved shooting on Bromley Court in Woodbridge Read More

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    Information released regarding the Dec. 5, 2024 police-involved shooting on Davis Ford Road in Woodbridge Read More

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    Information released regarding the Aug. 1, 2024 police-involved shooting on Bromley Court in Woodbridge Read More

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    Information released regarding the Dec. 5, 2024 police-involved shooting on Davis Ford Road in Woodbridge Read More

Organizational Structure


The Prince William County Police Department is responsible for effectively and impartially enforcing the law while serving and protecting the community.

We believe integrity, honesty, and equality in the delivery of all police services is essential to building cooperation and trust with the community.

We strive to always achieve these values through a shared responsibility of accountability, transparency, and respect.

  • Peter Newsham

    The Chief of Police, Colonel Peter Newsham, serves as the commanding officer of the Department and is directly responsible to the County Executive for all elements of the Department. The Chief of Police is responsible for ensuring that the Department enforces all laws and ordinances within its legal jurisdiction in a just and impartial manner, and is responsible for the planning, directing, coordinating, staffing, and control of all activities of the Department for its continued and efficient operation; for the completion and forwarding of such reports or programs as may be required by competent authority; and for the state of relations between the residents of Prince William County, the County Government, other agencies and the Department.

    5036 Davis Ford Rd.
    Woodbridge, VA 22192
  • Kimberly Chisley-Missouri

    The Deputy Chief of Police, Lieutenant Colonel Kimberly Chisley-Missouri, is the second-in-command of the Department and reports directly to the Chief of Police. The Deputy Chief has the final Departmental authority in all matters of policy, operations, and discipline as designated by the Chief of Police. The Deputy Chief also assumes all authority, duties, and responsibilities of the Chief of Police in their absence.

    The Deputy Chief of Police also oversees all bureaus under the Department's four divisions as outlined below.

    5036 Davis Ford Rd.
    Woodbridge, VA 22192

Office of the Chief

Chief of Staff Matthew Bromeland

5036 Davis Ford Rd. (Get Directions)
Woodbridge, VA 22192 (Get Directions)
  • The Community Engagement Section, headed by Sergeant Jeramy Ramos, which is responsible for the Department's community outreach efforts including crime prevention, watch programs, and community liaison needs. Community Engagement also oversees the department's Chaplain Program and Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Program, and coordinates the Community Police Academy.
  • The Public Information Office, headed by Lieutenant Jonathan Perok, which is responsible for coordinating news releases to the media regarding Department activities and criminal investigations, maintaining the Department’s website and social media presence, and producing internal and external publications such as the Annual Report.
  • File a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request online

Office of Professional Standards

Captain Dave Burghart

5036 Davis Ford Rd. (Get Directions)
Woodbridge, VA 22192 (Get Directions)

The Police Department is committed to providing the public with the highest level of professional law enforcement service. We shall always strive to perform our duties with acceptance, understanding and approval.

For more information about filing a compliment or complaint, please contact the Office of Professional Standards by calling the number above or email.

Criminal Investigations Division

Assistant Chief Shana Hrubes

5036 Davis Ford Rd. (Get Directions)
Woodbridge, VA 22192 (Get Directions)
  • The Property & Financial Crimes Bureau, headed by Lieutenant Heather Harris, investigates major offenses against property such as burglaries, larcenies, vehicle theft, and identity-fraud crimes. The Digital Forensics Unit and telephone and online reporting services also falls under this bureau.
  • The Special Investigations Bureau, headed by Lieutenant Ray Hyatt, investigates drugs, gambling, prostitution, street-level crimes, and gang-related crimes. 
  • The Special Victims Bureau, headed by Lieutenant Steve Chouinard, investigates major offenses against persons such as rapes, sexual assaults, human trafficking, and domestic violence complaints. The bureau also works with the Internet Crimes Against Children task force to investigate crimes involving children, including child pornography.
  • The Violent Crimes Bureau, headed by Lieutenant Jeff Sheldon, investigates major offenses against persons such as robbery, homicide, aggravated assaults, missing persons, and the Department's intelligence efforts.
  • The Youth Services Bureau, headed by Lieutenant Kim Mercer, oversees the School Resource Officer (SRO) Program for the department. This bureau is one of the largest in the division, assigning sworn resource officers to all County middle and high schools. 

Financial & Technical Services Division

Administrative Chief Thomas Pulaski

5036 Davis Ford Rd. (Get Directions)
Woodbridge, VA 22192 (Get Directions)
  • The Fiscal and Policy Management Bureau, headed by Acting Administrator Amanda Causey, is responsible for fiscal services, budget development, compensation, benefits, police purchasing, and accounts payable.
  • The Information Technology Management Bureau, headed by Lieutenant Bart Stromer, is responsible for mobile data computer application and software support services, computer aided dispatch and records management systems application support services, mobile data wireless application and desk side support, and GIS applications services.
  • The Strategic Analysis Bureau, headed by Manager Brooke Flores, is responsible for modernizing analytical capabilities, promoting collaboration, and enhancing the overall approach to data, analysis, and intelligence. The bureau includes the Crime Analysis Unit analytical functions with a specialized focus on location data and operations support.

Operations Division

Assistant Chief Kevin Hughart

5036 Davis Ford Rd. (Get Directions)
Woodbridge, VA 22192 (Get Directions)
  • The Patrol Services Bureau provides 24-hour patrol officer coverage throughout the County and parking enforcement needs at the district level. Patrol officers are generally the first response to any type of police call for service and are prepared to respond to any emergency. The Bureau is divided into three patrol districts, the Central District headed by Captain Ruben Castilla, the Eastern District headed by Captain Dave Smith, and the Western District headed Captain Eileen Welsh.
  • The Special Operations Bureau manages special events and oversees the deployment of the Department’s specialized operational units and resources. The area of Planning & Strategic Services, headed by Captain Jamie Pavol, oversees special events including Jiffy Lube Live staffing, Crisis Intervention services including the Co-Responder Unit and CIT Program, the Bike Patrol Unit and Crossing Guard Unit, Emergency Management needs, and most part-time teams and units including the Civil Disturbance Team, Command One Team, Honor Guard Team, Horse Mounted Patrol Unit, Incident Management Team, Marine Patrol Unit, Search and Rescue Team, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Team, and Underwater Search and Recovery Team. The area of Operations Support, headed by Captain Feliciano Wilson, oversees those units that support patrol including the Crash Investigation Unit, K-9 Unit, Motor Unit (Traffic), Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), and members of the part-time Crisis Negotiation Team.

Support Services Division

Assistant Chief Jacques Poirier

5036 Davis Ford Rd. (Get Directions)
Woodbridge, VA 22192 (Get Directions)
  • The Administrative Services Bureau, headed by Captain Joe Robinson, handles all evidence and property coming into the possession of the Department, Criminal RecordsLicensing Services, Forensic Services, Logistics, and Fleet Management, among other areas. The bureau also conducts background checks and facilitates fingerprinting services.
  • The Animal Services Bureau, headed by Bureau Chief Anthony Cleveland, oversees the enforcement animal welfare laws, conducts animal education seminars, houses stray and unwanted animals in a clean and safe environment, and coordinates the adoption of housed animals. 
  • The Criminal Justice Academy, headed by Director Ronald Teachman, conducts all basic, control tactics, in-service, and leadership training for police officer candidates and certified police officers, including firearms and emergency vehicle operations. The academy also oversees the department's Wellness & Peer Fitness efforts.
  • The Personnel Bureau, headed by Captain Dave Bassett, is responsible for the recruiting, processing, and selection of applicants to the Department, physical examinations, and supervision of the polygraph function.

For more information, please contact the Public Information Office by calling (703) 792-5123 or email.