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TAG! Teens, You’re It at Prince William Public Libraries

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While a good ol’ game of tag is always fun, so are Prince William Public Libraries’ Teen Advisory Groups (TAG). Over the past few years, our libraries have started TAGs to encourage more teens to not only come to our libraries but to have a say in library programming, create displays, and more.

In the summer of 2021, Haymarket Gainesville Library created its TAG. Due to the pandemic, the Haymarket Gainesville Library started virtually but could finally meet in person for the first time in September last year. The Haymarket Gainesville TAG was made up of teens who were regulars at the library and some who hadn’t come in before. They were equally enthusiastic to connect with their peers again in person. Librarian Aaren wanted the TAG participants to know that she was not there to direct them with her own ideas, but to give them a seat at the table and listen to their opinions and suggestions for the library.

In some of the earlier TAG meetings, TAG members made new friends at game nights and holiday parties, having fun and getting to know each other. The first ideas TAG implemented were having chess games available for teens to play at the library and hosting a Teen Pottery Making program, coordinated with Jay from Manassas Clay.

Teens earned hours for every meeting they attended and for every project they participated in. One significant contribution they made was to create and test new programming ideas such as an in-person “Amazing Race” event, a take-home Egyptian-themed escape room, and three digital escape rooms that will launch later this year.

“One of the things I am most proud of is their idea to create a teen display space,” says Aaren. “They proposed that every month, teen volunteers could sign up to design anything they wanted to promote a theme and recommended books. The displays our teens came up with were incredibly creative and required a lot of preparation. This provided them with an opportunity to express themselves and inspire other teens. Staff at the library looked forward to seeing what they would come up with next.”

There are TAG meetings scheduled through the end of fall – both in our libraries and virtually – so they are accessible to everyone. Teens from any branch can attend any TAG meeting. Our TAG teens truly impact our community while gaining valuable leadership experience. Teens can register and learn more at bit.ly/pwpltag.

Written by Aaren Cravaritis, Haymarket Gainesville Library 

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