In the Community


We at the Prince William County Sheriff's Office take pride in serving and connecting with the citizens of Prince William County.  Community outreach is a consistent goal of our Office and this is evident in everything we do.

Connecting through communications is one example of how the Office maintains ties with the community. Through this website, social media, the contribution of new stories, and the Annual Report, the Sheriff's Office keeps Prince William County informed and educated.

The Sheriff's Office shares information regularly about its operations, accomplishments, and community partnerships.

Connecting by giving back lets others know that we care.  The Sheriff's Office shows its compassion for people through a regular and active giving campaign. Food drives, clothing drives, and the annual toy drive show help demonstrate that staff is aware of the needs of others. 

We are connecting means that we are there. At events all around the county, the Sheriff's staff is there, participating as community members or providing valuable public safety services to make the day enjoyable for all.  The Sheriff's Office joins countless parades and local special events each year.

Community Service

Car Seat Safety Inside Brochure

Car Seat Safety Outside Brochure

VIN Back Brochure

VIN Front Brochure

RAD Brochure

Senior Safe Front Brochure

Senior Safe Back Brochure

Recruiting Front Brochure

Recruiting Back Brochure

Project Lifesaver Inside Brochure

Project Lifesaver Outside Brochure

PWCSO Inside Brochure

PWCSO Outside Brochure

Civil Process Brochure

Traffic Stop Flyer