Civil Process

Captain Tony Sindlinger

Captain Tony Sindlinger


The Prince William County Sheriff's Office Civil Division carries out the sheriff's statutory responsibility for the service of process and execution of writs. These judicial process documents originate from the courts, government agencies, and private attorneys in Virginia and throughout the United States. They include:

  • Summonses, notices, complaints, and subpoenas
  • Writs of possession for real estate
  • Writs of garnishment

To see if your documents have been served, Click on Civil Service Search to search our online database. If the Prince William Sheriff's Office is serving your documents, you can use our online search to see if the service has been completed. Civil Service Search

The Civil Division also enforces levies and writs of attachment and conducts Sheriff's sales to aid in collecting money judgments.

Civil Process Deputies

Civil Process-FAQs

Civil Process Fees

In-State:  $12 per person

Out-of-State:  $80 per person

Payable to:  "Prince William County Sheriff's Office"

Eviction Procedures

Writ of Possession in Unlawful Detainer

8.01-470 & 8.01-472) The Writ of Possession in Unlawful Detainer is a court order authorizing the Sheriff to physically remove a person and his belongings from the premises and to return possession to the landlord. If judgment is in the Plaintiff's favor, a Writ of Eviction will be issued upon the Plaintiff's request to the clerk. Typically 10 calendar days are allowed after the court date to provide the tenant time to appeal, except when the landlord has asked for immediate possession at the hearing (the 10-day appeal period is waived) (§ 8.01-129). Usually, the court will not issue the Writ of Possession until the appeal period has lapsed. There are certain qualifications which must be met in order to obtain a waiver of the appeal period and it is strongly suggested the tenant consult an attorney. Do not confuse the waiver of the appeal with waiver of the 72-hour notice, which will be covered later.

No Trespass

For service in Prince William County, you can deliver a trespass notice to the PWC Sheriff's Office. After service of the process, a copy will be returned to you, for your retention, through the United States Postal Service.

Contact the Civil Process Division: 703-792-6070

9311 Lee Ave

Manassas, VA 20110