The County Attorney recommended the initiation of Zoning Text Amendments to incorporate new mandatory provisions, including a change deeming proposed telecommunication towers or facilities constructed pursuant to Chapter 9.1, Title 56 of the Code of Virginia to be substantially in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and waiving the need for approval by the Planning Commission and zoning for wireless communication infrastructure and small cell facilities.
On May 16, 2017, the Board of County Supervisors initiated appropriate amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to address the Requirements of Chapters 665 and 835 in the 2017 Acts of Assembly and Chapter 613 of the 2016 Acts of Assembly.
Commercial Development Committee (CDC) and Development Ordinance Review Advisory Committee (DORAC)
Public Meeting
Planning Commission
Board of County Supervisors
All comments are subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, including any personal information.
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