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Planning Office

DPA2021-00020: Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District Comprehensive Review

Data Center Overlay District Map

The Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District (DCOZOD) was created to promote the development of data centers within areas of the County where there is existing infrastructure that could adequately support the proposed use. The district continues County efforts to attract and advance high-tech industrial development while limiting negative impacts to surrounding communities. Data centers are on the Board of County Supervisors adopted List of Targeted Industries for New, and Expanding Companies (RES 20-587) revised on August 4, 2020.


On May 18, 2021, through RES 21-327, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors initiated amendments to County policies and regulations related to data center development including the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District, the Design and Construction Standards Manual, the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance, and other appropriate development regulations.

Project Tasks

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  • Task 1: Background Research (Ongoing)
  • Task 2: Public Outreach & Engagement (Ongoing)
  • Task 3: Policy Development (Ongoing)
  • Task 4: Public Hearings

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Please note that under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, comments, including any personally identifiable information that is included in the comments, are subject to public inspection.

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