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    hoopla Digital: Beginning April 1, the checkout limit will change to three per month. LEARN MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

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    hoopla Digital: Beginning April 1, the checkout limit will change to three per month. LEARN MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

Assistive Services

Prince William Public Libraries (PWPL) is committed to providing its users with the services and devices needed for patrons requiring visual, hearing, and physical adaptive services. Below is a listing of the free aids the library provides to ensure patrons can use our materials and services easily and comprehensively. Stop by the Information Desk at Bull Run, Central, Chinn Park, Manassas City, Montclair, Haymarket Gainesville, or Potomac when needing assistance.

Listen to the "Assistive Services of Pi" podcast episode to learn more.



Email: [email protected]


PWPL offers American Sign Language interpreters, based on availability, at all library-sponsored programs and events for deaf and hard-of-hearing patrons. Requests should be made at least three weeks in advance by calling the branch library where the event or program is taking place or emailing your request to [email protected].


All PWPL branches have DVD collections that offer text language options on many titles. Titles can be found using our online catalog and searching under the subject heading "Video recordings for the Hearing Impaired."


Our community and regional libraries all have a variety of portable magnifiers, including bar, sheet, and handheld magnifiers that can be used while visiting the library. In addition, Central, Chinn Park, Manassas City, Montclair, Haymarket Gainesville, and Potomac Libraries have portable electronic magnifiers that can be used for reading and writing.

Talking Books:
Central, Chinn Park, Manassas City, Montclair, Haymarket Gainesville, and Potomac Libraries have application forms for the free library services offered by the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired, a member of the National Library Service for the Visually and Physically Handicapped. County residents receive services through a state-affiliated library, Central Rappahannock Regional Library, located in Fredericksburg. Materials include cassette books and CDs, large print books, Braille books, and videos. Additional information may be found by visiting our regional partner's webpage.

Large Print Collections:
All 12 branches within PWPL have collections of large print materials that can be checked out for a three-week loan period. Titles can be found using our online catalog searching under the subject heading "Large Type Books."

All 12 branches within PWPL have collections of CDs that can be checked out for a three-week loan period. In addition, small players pre-loaded with an audiobook, called Playaways, also provide another audio format. Titles can be found using our online catalog and searching these subject headings: “Books on CD” and “Playaways.”

Downloadable eAudios and E-Books/Streaming Media
Using any number of devices, patrons can access thousands of downloadable audiobooks and e-books for free with a library card. From the Digital Library or using an app, users can launch Libby, by OverDrive or hoopla Digital to download an audiobook onto their device. Hoopla Digital also allows users to stream audiobooks, comics, books, movies, and music.

E-books may also be downloaded via Libby, by OverDrive and some devices permit enlarging print for low-vision users.


Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters

Bull Run Library has wheelchairs and Chinn Park Library has wheelchairs and electric scooters. Please stop by the Information Desk of the libraries to use these devices.

Cane Seats

Central, Chinn Park, Manassas City, Montclair, Haymarket Gainesville, and Potomac Libraries have cane seats available.