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    hoopla Digital: Beginning April 1, the checkout limit will change to three per month. LEARN MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

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    hoopla Digital: Beginning April 1, the checkout limit will change to three per month. LEARN MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

For Kids, Young Adults, and Adults

Squirt the Turtle
Live Cam



Members of the Children's Services staff are available to provide library tours, story times, and instruction in library resources on a limited basis for groups visiting the library. To find out if a tour, story time, or instructional program can be arranged for your group, please call the Children’s Department of the nearest full-service library at least one month in advance. Staff members are also available to visit schools, day care centers, and other organizations in Prince William County and the City of Manassas on a limited basis. Again, please contact the nearest full-service library a minimum of one month in advance to see if a librarian can be scheduled to visit your school or organization. (See contact information below.)

Teachers may download copies of the Library User Agreement form for their class or group visit. In order to be processed, these forms must be filled out legibly and completely and the information must be verified by the teacher. The name of the school or organization and teacher’s name must be clearly labeled on each application. Applications for children under the age of 18 must have a parent's signature in addition to the parent’s name clearly printed in the appropriate spot. Processing time for library card applications is a minimum of two weeks.

To schedule a tour or group visit or for more information on library services, please contact the Youth Services Supervisor of the nearest full-service library:

Bull Run Library: 703-792-4500

Central Library: 703-792-8360

Chinn Park Library: 703-792-4800

Haymarket Gainesville Library: 703-792-8700

Manassas City Library: 703-792-8820

Montclair Library: 703-792-8740

Potomac Library: 703-792-8330



Please be advised that the Prince William Public Libraries make no warranties and/or representations concerning virtual programs. Your decision to participate in the programs is an express consent on your part to waive any and all claims against the Library which may result from said participation and hereby release and discharge the Prince William Public Libraries from any and all liabilities. Below is a list of the virtual meeting tools we use to host various virtual programs. We encourage you to use the provided links to review the terms of use for these products and familiarize yourself with their features. While the Host will disable your camera and mute your audio as needed, we encourage you to check that you are muted/video is off once you are logged in.

For live programs that are being recorded, the moderator will note at the beginning of the program that the program is being recorded. By virtue of registering for the program, participants are consenting to being recorded.

Cisco WebEx - Live Streaming
Facebook - Pre-Recorded Programs
Twitter - Pre-Recorded Programs
YouTube - Live Streaming/Pre-Recorded Programs