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    hoopla Digital: Beginning April 1, the checkout limit will change to three per month. LEARN MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

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    hoopla Digital: Beginning April 1, the checkout limit will change to three per month. LEARN MORE.

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    Download the PWPL app: Search "Prince William Public Library" in the App Store or Google Play. READ MORE.

Policies & Procedures

Code of Conduct

Prince William Public Libraries (PWPL) is committed to protecting the rights and safety of staff, visitors, and volunteers. PWPL is a shared public space that respects all library users’ needs and diverse expectations. Everyone is expected to comply with the Code of Conduct to allow all visitors to enjoy a welcoming and safe environment. The Code of Conduct applies everywhere PWPL provides service: on all library property, at library events in the community, through our website or social media, and by phone, chat, or email. More on the Code of Conduct Policy.

Confidentiality of Loan Records

Prince William Public Libraries hereby adopts a policy that specifically recognizes its records identifying the names of library users with specific materials to be confidential. This information is in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act under code 2.2-3705.7, 3., which protects the library records from the Freedom of Information Act. More on Confidentiality of Loan Records Policy.

Library Animal Therapy Policy

PWPL adheres to the animal therapy policy standards outlined by Prince William County government to ensure that all participants, both staff and public, are safe in programming that involves animals. More on Animal Therapy Policy.

Library Cards and Fees – Borrowing Privileges

Library borrowing privileges are extended to an individual who meets eligibility requirements for a free library card, or purchases a non-resident card. A person applying for a card must provide adequate identification which verifies their address, i.e., driver's license, checkbook, postmarked letters addressed to the applicant, car registration, rental agreement, lease, utility bill, official online documents, and identification. More on Borrowing Privileges Policy.

Library Internet & Wi-Fi Acceptable Use

PWPL maintains access to the Internet on designated PWPL equipment as an electronic tool to locate information. PWPL also offers free wireless access for library patrons. A patron’s use of this service indicates acceptance of, and agreement to abide by PWPL's Library Internet and Wi-Fi Acceptable Use Policy. More on Internet & Wi-Fi Use Pollicy.

Materials Selection

PWPL purchases materials of current and permanent value in all subjects of interest to the community. Consideration is given to current demand as well as future community needs and budgetary considerations. More on Materials Selection Policy | Reconsideration Procedure | Request for Reconsideration Form.

Naming Spaces

This policy establishes recommendations for the naming of spaces within library facilities or specific areas on the grounds of Prince William Public Libraries. The naming of Library buildings follows the established Library practice of naming buildings according to their geographic location. More on Naming Policy.

Non-Resident Fee Policy

A non-resident may register for a library card upon payment of an annual fee. This fee entitles a non-resident to register for a card, which expires one year from the date of issuance. Non-resident cards must be purchased in person, and non-resident borrowers must present identification with proof of address. Paid non-resident cards confer all regular borrowing privileges. More on Non-Resident Fee Policy.

Photography, Video & Other Recording Devices

Individuals and organizations (including the press) are allowed to use cameras, video camcorders and other recording devices as long as they abide by the policy set forth here. Photography, videotaping, or use of other recording devices may not interfere with the provision of library services. Staff will terminate any photography, videotaping, or recording session that appears to compromise public safety or security, or which blocks access to library materials or services. More on Photography, Video & Recording Devices Policy, approved by the Library Advisory Board January 27, 2022.


PWPL's program policy supports the library’s mission of “providing lifelong enrichment across both traditional and virtual environments.” Developing and presenting programs offers both Prince William County and City of Manassas residents and others additional opportunities for information, learning, and entertainment. More on Programs Policy.

Solicitation and Signage

PWPL buildings and grounds, including the outside entry, are limited public forums and are subject to the restrictions of this Policy. Individuals wishing to engage in circulating petitions or distributing leaflets on Library property are subject to the following rules and regulations. Distribution of materials on Library property does not constitute PWPL’s endorsement of these materials. Persons circulating petition or leafleting on Library property must do so outside Library building, shall not impede or otherwise intimidate patrons and staff wishing to enter or exit Library buildings, block the use the library’s book returns, occupy areas designated as fire or emergency lanes, nor occupy parking spaces or parking garages. No leafleting, distribution of literature, or solicitation is permitted for the purposes of selling items, merchandise, tickets, or other for-profit activities. Panhandling is not permitted on Library property. All signs, other than those produced by the Library, are prohibited on Library property. Signs posted on Library grounds will be removed and disposed of by PWPL staff. More on Solicitation and Signage Policy.

Unattended Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

PWPL welcomes children and vulnerable adults, provided their behavior conforms to the PWPL Code of Conduct. PWPL staff are committed to the well-being and safety of children and vulnerable adults and are happy to help them use the library. Any public place may pose risks for a child or vulnerable adult left unattended and unsupervised by a parent, legal guardian, or caregiver. Parents, legal guardians, or caregivers must control and prevent behavior that disrupts the normal operations of the library or disturbs library users or staff and abide by the following policy. More on Unattended Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy.

Use of Meeting Rooms

PWPL provides community and study rooms of various sizes for library-related activities at eight branches. More on Use of Meeting Rooms Policy.

Display Policies

Community & Personal Notice Bulletin Boards

The purpose of the Community Bulletin Board is to highlight items pertaining to PWPL and/or items of cultural, civic, historical, educational, or general community interest. All items displayed on the Community Bulletin Board must be from a nonprofit organization. The purpose of the Personal Notices Bulletin Boards is to allow the display of items advertising services (such as daycare, typing, FAX services, etc.), items for sale, or items of cultural, civic, historical, educational, or general community interest. More on Bulletin Board Policies.

Exhibiting Artwork and Exhibitions

PWPL celebrates art for its aesthetic value and its role in fostering community engagement. Public art promotes creativity and facilitates conversations that cultivate connections within our community. This policy outlines PWPL’s approach to selecting, presenting, acquiring, or borrowing works of art and exhibitions for temporary display in library facilities. More on Exhibiting Artwork and Exhibitions.