Agriculture and Natural Resources

The VCE-Prince William office located at the Sudley North Government Center is open for walk-ins. Our new Customer Service hours are from 8am-4pm Monday through Friday.  Our business hours remain 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.  Please consider making an appointment if you have specific needs or questions or call ahead if you need assistance at [email protected] or phone 703-792-6289.  

Monthly Saturday in the Garden in-person classes are generally held the first Saturday of the month from April to October at the Teaching Garden, 9535 Linton Hall Rd., Bristow, VA, virtual classes are held on scheduled Wednesdays at 11 am.  Visit the Horticulture Classes page for the latest schedules and registration information.

All virtual classes as well as Teaching Garden tour videos can be found on our YouTube channel.

Staff and volunteers with the Prince William Cooperative Extension Environment and Natural Resources program provide educational programs for individuals and businesses to implement sound practices producing aesthetically pleasing landscapes that have minimal negative impacts on the environment. Programs include:


Virginia Household Water Quality Program Postponed

The 2025 Virginia Household Water Quality Program Drinking Water Clinic has been postponed until September.  For additional information on well water services or to be added to our notification list please contact us at [email protected] or go to our web page


Virginia Cooperative Extension Prince William will be hosting three Master Gardener Volunteer Program information sessions, two in person and one zoom.  The first session will be Thursday, May 8 and the second in person session will be on Thursday, May 15. Both sessions begin at 6:30 pm, location information for each session can be found on the registration link.  If you are unable to have an in-person session, we will host a zoom session on Thursday, May 22.   Master Gardener Program Coordinator Erin Clark will provide information on basic requirements for the program, application instructions, etc.  Please register for one of the sessions here.

INVASIVE PEST ALERT!!  As of 7/8/2022 Prince William County is under State Quarantine for the Spotted Lanternfly.  

This means that everyone should inspect vehicles, firewood, bricks and stone, and any materials stored outdoors and remove any Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) found before moving these materials to prevent their transport to new un-infested areas.  Businesses are required to obtain a State Issued Permit and follow all permit requirements when moving vehicles, equipment, plants and plant material, pallets, and other at-risk-materials outside of quarantined areas (including Prince William County, City of Manassas, and City of Manassas Park) to ensure that no life stage SLF is transported.  For more details on Permit requirements and how to apply go here

The Spotted Lanternfly is a pest of grapes, peaches, hops, and apples. It is commonly associated with tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima.  It has the potential to be a serious pest of agriculture and home gardens in Virginia. A new Virginia Cooperative Extension publication on Spotted Lanternfly can be found at: Spotted lanternfly ENTO-180NP 2018.pdf or for additional information and to report sightings, visit PWC Construction and Operations Division webpage.

Spotted Lanternfly Adult Look-alikes

Spotted Lanternfly Egg Mass Look-alikes

Spotted Lanternfly Immature Look-alikes

Spotted Lanternfly prefers the Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus altissima. Learn how to identify Tree of Heaven and some of its look alike.


Boxwood Blight was first discovered in Virginia in 2011 and many counties have had positive identifications of the disease since then. This disease poses a serious threat to Virginia's boxwoods. For more information on boxwood blight, please visit the Boxwood Blight Task Force page.

This 11-part video series covers topics important to preventing the spread of boxwood blight in Virginia, including symptoms of the disease, disease spread, and prevention measures. The videos are appropriate for homeowners as well as landscaping professionals who may encounter the boxwood blight in their work.

To view Virginia Cooperative Extension Fairfax Office's new video series on boxwood blight, please visit: YouTube video Series here!


Check out our free horticulture classes and the VCE Prince William Master Gardener program.

Our Facebook page has daily articles and diagnostic information of interest to home gardeners. Search for VCE Prince William Master Gardeners

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Virginia Cooperative Extension
Environment and Natural Resources
8033 Ashton Ave. Suite 105
Manassas VA 20109
[email protected]

Virginia Cooperative Extension complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you are a person with a disability and require auxiliary aids services or other accommodations for a workshop or meeting, please discuss your accommodation needs at least five days prior to the event with Virginia Cooperative Extension 703-792-6289/TDD PC 1-800-828-1120.
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