Clothing and shoe donation bins are available at Solid Waste facilities. Donation and Reuse Bins
Yard Collection Resumes March-December
Effective March 14, 2025, the Prince William County Tax Administration Office will no longer issue Solid Waste Facility Decals. On March 31, 2025, all landfill and compost facility residential visitors will be required to scan their Virginia DMV-issued driver’s licenses at the scalehouse. FAQ's
Businesses cannot bring tires for disposal. Residents are limited to four (4) passenger vehicle tires per month. Tire Disposal Guide
Clothing and shoe donation bins are available at Solid Waste facilities. Donation and Reuse Bins
Yard Collection Resumes March-December
Effective March 14, 2025, the Prince William County Tax Administration Office will no longer issue Solid Waste Facility Decals. On March 31, 2025, all landfill and compost facility residential visitors will be required to scan their Virginia DMV-issued driver’s licenses at the scalehouse. FAQ's
Businesses cannot bring tires for disposal. Residents are limited to four (4) passenger vehicle tires per month. Tire Disposal Guide
These Rules are established by the Director of Public Works, with the approval of the Director of the Prince William Health District and the County Executive of Prince William County. They are issued to govern the County Sanitary Landfill at Independent Hill within the purposes of Chapter 22 of the Prince William County Code. The cooperation of all users is required.
READ MOREUse of the County Sanitary Landfill is limited to residents of, and commercial establishments doing business in, Prince William County, the towns of Dumfries, Occoquan, Haymarket, or Quantico, and refuse removers having a valid refuse permit issued by the Department of Public Works. Proof of residency shall be required if a Prince William County Solid Waste Disposal Residential User Decal, the towns of Dumfries, Occoquan, Haymarket, or Quantico automobile decal do not appear on the vehicle. Personal property tax receipt, real estate tax receipt, or valid Virginia motor vehicle operator's license may be used as proof of residency. Other forms of proof of residency may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
No refuse will be accepted from jurisdictions other than Prince Wiliam County, the towns of Dumfries, Occoquan, Haymarket, or Quantico. Mixed commercial loads, which include refuse generated within the Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park, may be accepted for a fee with prior approval of the Director of Public Works. The amount of refuse and associated costs will be reviewed and updated annually as part of the permitting process or as often as deemed necessary by the Solid Waste Superintendent. Residents of the Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park may deliver refuse for a fee.
All users shall be required to separate for recycling materials as specified by Chapter 22 Article VII of the Prince William County Code. Additional items may be added. All recyclable materials shall be placed in the designated recycling area and/or containers.
Prince William County assumes no liability for bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage, including damage to vehicles, on County Sanitary Landfill property. All persons and vehicles enter the disposal facility at their own risk.
Generally, County employees will not attach cables or chains to hook up vehicles for towing. However, disabled vehicles that may interfere with normal operations may be moved out of the way by the County at the owner's risk and expense. Prince William County assumes no liability for damage to vehicles resulting from towing or pushing.
Scavenging in the residential disposal area, recycling area, or any other place within the County Sanitary Landfill is prohibited.
The speed limit in the County Sanitary Landfill is 15 M.P.H. unless otherwise posted. Passing of other vehicles is not allowed anywhere in the facility.
Tractor-trailer trucks are permitted in the County Sanitary Landfill, provided prior arrangements are made with the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee. Tractor-trailer trucks are limited to a maximum of seventy (70) feet long. Those trucks not emptied by the close of business will be charged for overtime and expenses incurred by the County staff. Please call (703) 792-5750 for information.
Dead animals, other than small carcasses such as dogs and cats, hazardous wastes, asbestos, liquids, gas cylinders, stumps, acids, caustics, explosives, and other dangerous materials will not be accepted.
Sod, rocks, concrete, asphalt, and similar material will be accepted only at the discretion of the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee.
Stumps from refuse removers or commercial users will not be accepted. Small, clean stumps up to 24 inches in diameter from residential users, in small amounts only, may be accepted.
Construction and Demolition Debris from commercial users in amounts greater than two and a half (21⁄2) cubic yards (regular-size pickup trucks) will not be accepted. Construction and demolition debris from residential users in amounts greater than two and a half (21⁄2) cubic yards (regular-size pickup trucks) will not be accepted. Construction and demolition debris includes but is not limited to, lumber or wood, wooden shipping crates, carpet, vinyl or aluminum siding, wire, sheetrock or drywall, glass, pipes, shingles, and other roofing material, and empty containers which have contained construction material.
Brick, block, and concrete rubble (no rebar, wire mesh, or large pieces greater than 12 inches) will be accepted only as needed and at the discretion of the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee.
Soil and dirt will only be accepted in accordance with the attached Soil Acceptance Policy (Annex C) with the approval of the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee.
Manure from a private citizen's property should be accepted in amounts no larger than a single pickup truck load. Larger loads of manure shall be accepted, upon prior approval, for a fee (Annex B) and placed in designated areas as specified by the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee.
The reuse of material disposed of at the County Sanitary Landfill is not permitted except with the prior approval of the Solid Waste Superintendent.
Junked automobiles will not be accepted at the County Sanitary Landfill. Small boats, campers, and hot tubs will be accepted for a fee (Annex B), provided all fuel and oil tanks, engines, metal, and other components that may contain hazardous materials are removed prior to disposal.
During or immediately after inclement weather, vehicles will be admitted to the County Sanitary Landfill at the discretion of the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee. All refuse remover vehicles entering the County Sanitary Landfill must have securely mounted tow hooks and mud—and snow-grip-type tires with good tread.
All refuse remover vehicles entering the County Sanitary Landfill must be weighed at the scales. Tailgates must not be unlatched at the scale area. They must be opened and closed only at the dumping area unless otherwise directed by disposal facility personnel.
All refuse removers shall have a current permit to collect solid waste within Prince William County. These permits expire annually and must be renewed before the expiration date. The Department of Public Works will issue permits in accordance with the current standard operating procedure.
Vehicles must dump only in designated disposal areas as specified by the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee. These areas are subject to change due to weather conditions and other operating factors. After dumping, trucks may be cleaned out only at the designated disposal area and not along access roads.
All refuse remover vehicles shall carry an approved and fully charged fire extinguisher of at least 5 lbs. while at the County Sanitary Landfill.
All refuse hauler personnel must wear a safety vest or other OSHA-approved reflective safety apparel while in the Landfill disposal area.
Any change of name, address, telephone number, or ownership of a company holding a valid permit must be reported to the Landfill Office within 24 hours of the change. Call the Landfill Office at (703) 792-5750. Payment bonds must be updated with the correct information within 30 days.
All refuse removers must have a recycling collection plan consistent with Section 22-170(e) of the Prince William County Code and approved by the Director of the Department of Public Works or designee.
Recyclable materials deposited at the Recycling Processing Building must be placed in designated areas as specified by the facility operator.
Commercial loads containing a high percentage of recyclable materials may be directed to dump at the Recycling Processing Building.
No loitering will be permitted at the Recycling Processing Building.
Tires, manure, boats, campers, trailers, and hot tubs are considered special waste and are not included in the solid waste user fee. See Annex B (Fee Schedule) for disposal fees. Hazardous wastes, used oil, antifreeze, batteries, and electronics are not accepted by refuse removers and commercial users.
Fuel tanks, gas cylinders, and drums will not be accepted from refuse removers and commercial users unless processed and cleaned in accordance with Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) regulations. Landfill staff must be presented with a letter stating that the material has been cleaned or processed in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and VDEQ requirements.
If fees are assessed, they will be payable at the time of disposal unless other arrangements are made in advance.
As required by 40 CFR 82.156, all businesses disposing of appliances that may have contained a refrigerant must provide written statements upon arrival at the facility certifying that all refrigerants have been properly evacuated from all units. The statement shall include the technician's certification number and all information as required in the referenced code.
Recycling residue and reusable recycling residue aggregate will be accepted for disposal or use with the approval of the Solid Waste Division Chief or designee. Recycling facilities must be registered with the County to dispose of any residue. VDEQ must approve the use of recycling residue as an alternative daily cover and test it for contamination in accordance with Annex C.
Violations of any of these rules shall be punished in accordance with Section 22-4(b) (Authority to promulgate rules and regulations) of the Prince Wiliam County Code and/or Section 100.13 (Penalties for Violation) of the Regulations for Solid Waste Facilities.
Residential and non-commercial users shall dump their trash in designated disposal and recycling areas.
If fees are assessed, they will be payable at the time of disposal.
Discarded appliances, metal, yard waste, wooden pallets, and other bulky items shall be separated and deposited into designated disposal or recycling locations.
Automotive and household batteries, used motor oil and filters, used antifreeze, and fireplace ashes must be placed in designated disposal or recycling locations.
Tires, boats, campers, trailers, and hot tubs are considered special waste and are not included in the solid waste user fee. For disposal fees, see Annex B (Fee Schedule).
Fuel tanks and drums will only be accepted from residential users if they are completely empty, clean, and both ends removed. Small propane cylinders of 20 lbs. size or less will be accepted only during Household Hazardous Waste collections.
During and immediately after inclement weather, vehicles will be admitted to the County Sanitary Landfill at the discretion of the Solid Waste Superintendent or designee(s).
Violations of any of these Rules shall provide penalties in accordance with Section 22-4(b) (Authority to promulgate rules and regulations) of the Prince Wiliam County Code and/or Section 100.13 (Penalties for Violation) of the Regulations for Solid Waste Facilities.
Household hazardous waste and electronics recycling will be accepted at the County Landfill on Wednesday & Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Participants must reside in Prince William County or the towns of Dumfries, Occoquan, Quantico, or Haymarket and bring household-use items. Residents of other jurisdictions may not use the service.
Hazardous waste and electronic waste will not be accepted from businesses or commercial establishments. Items collected at this program must have originated from a private resident's household use of the material. Material or items generated by businesses or due to a person's job will not be accepted. Substances generated at home from an individual's employment or business will not be accepted.
Household hazardous waste includes, but is not limited to, paint, stains, lawn and garden chemicals, inks, household cleaners, caulks, adhesives, chemistry kits, mineral spirits, pet supplies, fluorescent bulbs and ballasts, swimming pool chemicals, photography chemicals, driveway sealers, lacquers, spray paint, abrasives, and mercury products.
Electronic items include, but are not limited to, TVs, stereos, computer equipment, fax machines, printers, VCRs, scanners, cell phones, cameras, video game equipment, MP3s, and electronic readers.
Participants may bring in no more than 15 gallons of liquid hazardous product and no more than 40 lbs. of solid hazardous materials. Larger loads are not be accepted. Electronics are limited to three units per vehicle.
RCRA Metals (Total) |
General Fill (Max) |
Unit (mg/kg*) |
Daily Cover or Disposal in Lined Cell (Max) |
EPA SW - 846 Method |
(All Dirt) *TCLP (Regulation) |
Arsenic |
12 |
mg/kg |
23 |
6010C/6020 |
5.0 |
Barium |
500 |
mg/kg |
2,000 |
6010C/6020 |
100.0 |
Cadmium |
10 |
mg/kg |
22 |
6010C/6020 |
1.0 |
Chromium |
64 |
mg/kg |
87 |
6010C/6020 |
5.0 |
Lead |
140 |
mg/kg |
400 |
6010C/6020 |
5.0 |
Mercury |
6.6 |
mg/kg |
24 |
7471B |
0.2 |
Selenium |
3 |
mg/kg |
10 |
6010C/6020 |
1.0 |
Silver |
2 |
mg/kg |
40 |
6010C/6020 |
5.0 |
PCB's |
1 |
ppm |
50 |
8082A |
50 |
ppm |
500 |
8015C |
50 |
ppm |
500 |
8015C |
≤10 |
ppm |
10 |
8021B |
EOX** |
≤100 |
ppm |
≤100 |
9023 |
Paint Filter |
No free liquids |
No free liquids |
9095B |
*mg/kg = ppm
**EOX = Extractable Organic Halides