In accordance with the requirements of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), Prince William County Department of Parks and Recreation will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in the County’s services, programs, or activities.
We make every effort to work with families and patrons to provide reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Depending upon the type of request and/or type of accommodation being requested, participation in a program may be dependent on scheduling and/or contracting specialized staff, which could impact days/times of the program. In order to create a successful and enjoyable environment for you or your child, your request must be received, at least 21 business days prior to the start of the program.
Participation Standards
For the safety and enjoyment of all participants, the Prince William County Parks and Recreation Department has developed a list of participation standards. Program participants must be able to demonstrate the following with minimal redirection and support.
If you anticipate that you or your child will need assistance to meet one or more of these participation standards, please contact the ADA Coordinator and begin the Inclusion Process.
Therapeutic Support
If your child is currently working with a therapist, you may request that the therapist, as part of the child's plan, attend one of our programs. Please complete the Classroom Visitation request form and submit to the ADA Coordinator 21 days prior to the requested visit date. Please note:
For our licensed preschool programs therapists must have documentation that they have passed a criminal background check as well as a Central Registry Check in order to enter the classroom.
Due to capacity reasons within a classroom or program, visitation may be denied and/or alternates dates and times will be considered and agreed upon.
Grievances / Inquiries
The Prince William County Grievance Procedure under the Americans with Disabilities Act
All other Parks and Recreation related inquiries can be directed to the ADA Coordinator.