Adopt a Park Program

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Often, park visitors notice litter left behind by park users and may feel frustrated that our parks are treated this way. Now you can put those feelings into action.

With 5,000 acres of premier park land and 60+ miles of trails, it is often challenging to keep up with the tremendous use of our open spaces. Having a strong group of volunteer park stewards to support the park system in Prince William County, your volunteer efforts can make the difference in achieving the high standards we have for these important areas in our community.


The purpose of the Adopt-a-Park program is to promote partnerships between community members, groups, and businesses to assist the Department of Parks & Recreation staff with routine maintenance, clean up, and beautification of our parks, open spaces, and trails – creating a beautiful and clean environment for all to enjoy.

Using volunteers, designated areas within our parks and trails system will be spruced up by removing litter, debris, controlling weeds, planting of trees and plants, mulching, and identifying hazards and eliminating of such. This program also aims to educate county residents about the importance of our parks, open spaces, and trails.


This volunteer program is designed to encourage individuals or established groups to help improve and maintain our county’s parks, trails and open spaces. Students can use their volunteer time toward community service hours too! Local businesses are encouraged to join the Adopt-a-Park program and receive recognition for their stewardship of the environment. Your group or organization can help preserve, protect and enhance our county parks. Join us and help make a difference in your community!

  • ​Scout troops
  • Youth groups
  • Businesses
  • Environmental organizations
  • Community groups
  • ​Schools/school clubs
  • Families
  • Church groups
  • Sports teams
  • Individuals


1. Print and fill out the Adopt-a-Park program application.

2. Print and fill out the Volunteer Service Agreement and Release for group members.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must include a parent/guardian signature.

3. Mail the forms to:

Prince William Department of Parks & Recreation
Adopt-a-Park Program Coordinator
14420 Bristow Road
Manassas, VA 20112

4. The Program Coordinator will review your application. You will be contacted upon approval.

Adopt-A-Park Program brochure       Adopt-a-Park Program Application     Adopt a Park Safety Guidelines 


For more information, please email Janet LaFleur,  Community Centers and Parks Operations Manager.