PHNST Gap Feasibility Study

  • Funded by a Federal Lands Access Program grant, DPR contracted a consultant to evaluate the feasibility of closing three gaps in the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail (PHNST) route through the County. Gap 1 is from the Town of Occoquan to the Belmont Bay community, Gap 2 is in the Town of Dumfries, and Gap 3 is from the entrance of the Prince William Forest Park to the National Museum of the Marine Corps. DPR staff and the consultant team worked with stakeholders to develop criteria for evaluating potential alignments, and the consultant made recommendations for the most feasible route. 

    The routes recommended by the study do not preclude the future planning of the PHNST route, and DPR will continue to evaluate opportunities to provide improved alignments throughout the County, including the study gap areas.

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