Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

CIP Web Mapping Application

Experience an interactive visual of the Proposed FY2026-2031 CIP projects when you click the image below. Instructions on how to use the interactive map application is available in the CIP Web Mapping Application User Guide.

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Proposed FY2026-2031 CIP

The Proposed FY2026-2031 CIP presentation was presented to the Board of County Supervisors on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. An overview of the six-year capital infrastructure spending plan for Prince William County is available in the CIP Summary. For details regarding projects by functional area, please see the table below or read the Proposed FY2026-2031 CIP in its entirety.

Functional Area

Expenditure Budget
% of FY26-31
Expenditure Budget
Community Development $194,309,998 18.6%
Human Services & General Government $31,836,498 3.0%
Public Safety $353,138,730 33.8%
Technology Improvement $6,801,882 0.7%
Transportation $459,446,907 43.9%
Total Projected Expenditure $1,045,534,015 100.0%

Percentage does not equal 100% due to rounding.


What is the CIP?

County code requires the preparation of a CIP, guided by the Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan, and Principles of Sound Financial Management. The CIP includes both County and Schools projects, ensuring one affordable plan. The proposed FY26 capital projected expenditures for the County government is $1.05 billion. Funding sources for County projects include the general fund, debt, state/federal, fire levy, stormwater management fees, proffers, the transportation reserve, capital reserve, internal service fund balance, and solid waste fees.