Got Questions?

Do you have a question about the Proposed FY2026 Budget? Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Budget Questions & Answers (Q&A) below? If neither addresses your question about the budget, please click the Submit Question/Comment button to ask a question or send a comment. Remember to adhere to the County's Social Media Comments Policy by keeping all questions and comments respectful and free from obscene and abusive language.



What is the County line item Proposed FY2026 Budget?

Please see the County line item budget and Fund Type and Fund Reference Guide. The School's budget and prior year actual expenditures are presented only at a summary level. This spreadsheet may take a few minutes to download.


What is the value of a penny on the real estate tax rate?

Each penny of the proposed $0.920 tax rate generates $11.2 million. Under the adopted Revenue Sharing Agreement, $6.4 million funds the PWC Schools services, and $4.8 million funds County services.


What is the County/Schools revenue sharing agreement?

Please read the County-Schools Revenue Sharing Agreement.



Budget Q&A

Submit your question or comment about the Proposed FY2026 Budget by clicking the button below.