Agency Overview


The Office of Management & Budget (OMB) shapes the future of Prince William County by partnering with the community, elected leadership, and government agencies to recommend the best use of public resources in pursuit of the community’s strategic vision.

About the Director

David Sinclair has worked for Prince William County Government for over 20 years, with the last 9 years as the Director of OMB. Prior to that he was the Budget Technical Manager for OMB where he managed the development of the County's annual budget and five-year fiscal plan. He was also responsible for presenting the annual budget and financial information to bond rating agencies. Earlier in his career, Sinclair coordinated the County's general revenue forecasting process and served as the Capital Improvement Program and Strategic Planning Coordinator. Sinclair received his Bachelor of Arts degree in pre-law from Pennsylvania State University and received his Master of Public Administration degree from George Mason University.

Budget & Accountability Reports

In July 1994, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors adopted the "Government services planning, budgeting, and accountability" ordinance (Prince William County Code Section 2-1). The ordinance’s requirements for accountability and emphasis on strategic planning and the use of performance measures are implemented through Prince William’s System for Results Oriented Government.

Substantial information is gathered and publicly reported to enable citizens, the Board of County Supervisors, and County staff to evaluate the performance of Prince William County Government programs. These reports include the Adopted Fiscal Plan, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Strategic Plan, Community Survey, and the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. Below are links to the most current versions of those documents.

Unless stated otherwise, previous documents are available in Archives.