What is a CLE?
A CLE is a certificate allows for live entertainment at an establishment, or in conjunction with a Temporary Activity Permit.
When is a CLE Required?
A CLE is required prior to a business offering a regular reoccurring form of live entertainment, or when a Temporary Activity Permit request includes a form of entertainment. Live entertainment is only permitted in accordance with Article IV of Chapter 20 of the County Code. Live Entertainment shall mean entertainment provided in person including, but no limited to, musical performances, music played by disc jockeys, karaoke, dancing (including dancing done solely by patrons), modeling, or comedy performances.
Not everyone is required to obtain a CLE, please call 703-792-6830 to determine if a CLE shall be necessary.
Submission Requirements:
In addition to the completed application, applicants shall also submit the signed safety plan, detailed floor plan indicating area of entertainment, emergency action plan, and information on when or whether alcohol will be served to include copies of ABC licenses.