Manages, invests, or administers more than $1.0 Billion in County funds in seven separate portfolios in accordance with applicable investment policies and state code.

Manages the County’s debt issued, primarily to fund the County’s capital projects and infrastructure investments. Fiscal Services staff members also coordinate and execute new bond issues, manage the County’s relationship with the National Rating Agencies and consult with the County’s Financial Advisors on strategies to minimize the taxpayers’ cost of debt financings.

Provides regular analysis of National, State and Local economic trends to the Board of County Supervisors, Senior County Management, and the Community, and identifies issues and trends that can impact County revenues and operations.

Treasury Management, through its nationally recognized Revenue Projection methodology, produces an annual projection of County revenues for the next five years. The revenue projections are an integral piece of the County’s budget process and are designed, successfully so, to minimize the variance between projected and actual revenues.