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    hoopla Digital: Beginning April 1, the checkout limit will change to three per month. LEARN MORE.

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Dale City Library Scheduled to Close for Renovations

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Dale City Library Scheduled to Close for Renovations

(WOODBRIDGE, VA – Wednesday, July 28, 2021) – Dale City Library is scheduled to close for renovations beginning Wednesday, August 18 – Thursday, September 9. Renovations include painting the library’s main area and staff workroom, replacing the circulation desk, and re-carpeting the library. While Dale City Library is closed, holds can be picked up at Chinn Park Library.

“Dale City Library is a valued part of the Dale City Community and greater Prince William,” remarks Deborah L. Wright, director. “It’s important that we present not only new and exciting books and materials and innovative programs, but that we present all that the library has to offer in a clean, welcoming environment. The new updates to Dale City Library will help us achieve our strategic goal of ‘Versatile, Inviting Spaces.’” 

Dale City Library, located at 4249 Dale Boulevard in Dale City, first opened in February 1986. The library is a 2,475 square foot, single-story, county-owned structure. The library collection comprises about 26,000 items including books, audiobooks, DVDs, magazines, and children’s puzzles. In recent months, Dale City Library has joined the other 11 Prince William Public Libraries in being open to the public to browse, offering virtual programming and Take-and-Make programs, and providing Contact-Free Curbside Pickup for residents to enjoy library materials without coming inside. 
The library will reopen on Friday, September 10 or sooner, if renovations are completed ahead of schedule.

In Fall 2020, Central Library underwent an extensive renovation to include a more open floorplan, a redesigned children’s area, and expanded restrooms to ensure ADA compliance. Prince William Public Libraries also welcomed its newest library – Manassas City Library – in February 2021. This new location helped bring library services closer to the Manassas City community. Within its 6,000 square feet, the new branch provides 12 public access computers, programming for all ages, study rooms, and houses about 15,000 books and other resources. Manassas City Library is conveniently located in the Wellington Station Shopping Center, close to groceries, banks, restaurants, and more. Scheduled for Fall 2021, Bull Run Library will be closed for renovations. For updates, visit pwcva.gov/library.


Prince William Public Libraries consists of 12 branches throughout Prince William County and the City of Manassas, providing free access to books, e-books, e-audio, print and digital magazines, Digital Library, and CDs/DVDs. PWPL also offers free educational and entertaining programs for all ages.

MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Johnson, Communication Services Division Chief
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 571-298-7249

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