Braemar Park Gets Several Improvements

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This morning, Prince William County staff, leaders and community members gathered for a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the recent improvements made to Braemar Park in Bristow. Improvements include a newly paved parking lot, new playground, newly paved and painted basketball courts and tennis courts, as well as the conversion of one tennis court to two pickleball courts. New fencing around the tennis, basketball and pickleball courts was also installed along with the construction of a new trail connecting the existing facilities.

“This project is the work of a great staff and comes to us courtesy of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. We spent about $750,000 of that funding to make these improvements and this project would not have happened without the Board’s support in appropriating that money along with funding for other properties,” said Prince William County Parks Director Seth Hendler-Voss, as he went on to thank everyone involved with the project for their support and hard work.

Deshundra Jefferson, Chair at-Large of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors was in attendance and gave brief remarks. 

“As a parent I know how important parks are. They really are essential spaces for our community. And as our county continues to develop we need to make sure we have recreational green spaces that are not only preserved but enhanced,” said Jefferson.

“The reopening of Braemar Park symbolizes the revitalizations that other parks around our county need and that we are going to get to because our kids deserve a place to run, play and truly be kids,” she added.

Brentsville District Supervisor Tom Gordy also gave brief remarks at the ribbon cutting ceremony.

“It’s exciting to see that our county doesn’t just invest but we also maintain,” said Gordy. “We look forward to seeing more opportunities like this over the next few years as we continue to update and expand the parks and recreation opportunities for Prince William County.”

He also went on to recognize and thank Parks staff that were involved with the improvement project, as well as recognize Vida Carroll, Parks Commissioner from the Brentsville District for her support.

Virginia State Senator Danica Roem was also in attendance to support the park reopening and ribbon cutting.

To view pictures from today’s ribbon cutting ceremony, please visit our Facebook page.

To learn more about Braemar Park or any of our other parks or facilities, be sure to download our new PWC RecMapper app. Using the app, Prince William County residents and visitors can find parks, playgrounds, pavilions, fitness and recreation centers, pools and more!

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