PWC Child Advocacy Center


The PWC CAC is a safe, welcoming place where children who have been abused can begin their journey of healing. Our team works together under one roof to protect, treat, and counsel child victims and their families. The PWC CAC provides a compassionate and efficient process for child abuse intervention. We seek to prevent and reduce trauma to children and families using a multidisciplinary approach to investigation, prosecution, treatment, education, and advocacy.


The Prince William Child Advocacy Multidisciplinary Team consists of the following Professionals from the following disciplines:

  • Child Protective Services (CPS)
  • Special Victims Unit Detectives
  • Forensic Interviewers
  • Commonwealth and County Attorneys
  • Victim Advocates
  • Mental Health Providers
  • Medical Personnel

The Prince William Child Advocacy Center is an Associate Member of the National Children’s Alliance and aims to:

  • Protect children who are victims of child abuse through interagency collaboration
  • Provide victims of child abuse with comprehensive and coordinated forensic interview, medical evaluation and treatment, psychological and social assessments and follow up care
  • Educate the public on the recognition and reporting of child maltreatment

All cases that are served by the Prince William County Child Advocacy Center MUST be referred to the CAC by CPS, Law Enforcement or the Multidisciplinary Team. For more information on the PWC CAC please call 703-792-6549


How CAC's help kids