FY2023 Budget

 The Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) adopted the FY2023 Budget on April 26, 2022, and is available in its entirety or by sections below. This is the County's adopted budget beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.


Understanding the Budget

The following sections of the FY2023 Budget aids in understanding the budget development process and explains the County's various revenue sources and expenditure budget. It also informs the community of capital infrastructure improvements as well historical and statistical trends in the County.


The Budget

The FY2023 Budget is funded at a real estate tax rate of $1.03 per $100 of assessed value. The average residential tax bill based on that tax rate is $4,839. The following infographic shows the services that the average tax bill funds by functional areas. Information about the budget is available in sections below. 



Community Development accounts for $254 and 5.25% of the average residential tax bill in FY23.


General Government accounts for $308 and 6.37% of the average residential tax bill in FY23.


Human Services accounts for $319 and 6.58% of the average residential tax bill in FY23.


Public Safety accounts for $1,021 and 21.10% of the average residential tax bill in FY23.


Schools accounted for $2,769 and 57.23% of the average residential tax bill in FY23. An additional $9 and 0.01% of the average residential tax bill in FY23 goes toward the Class Size Reduction Grant and 13th high school debt service.


Non-Departmental accounts for $26 and 0.54% of the average residential tax bill in FY23.


Debt Service accounts for $131 and 2.70% of the average residential tax bill in FY23.