A civil suit may be filed at this office or at the Magistrate’s office.
- You are not required to have an attorney in order to file a civil suit.
- Filing a small claims case seeking a money judgment up to $5000.00 or recovery of personal property with a value up to $5000.00 must be done in person at the civil clerk's office.
As of July 1, 2011, the maximum claim will be $25,000 instead of $15,000.
- Instruction booklets on how to complete civil forms are available for use in the civil clerk's office.
- Any claim over $15,000.00 MUST be filed in the Circuit Court of Prince William County.
- Warrant in Debt – requires six (6) weeks for return date.
- Unlawful Detainers for back rent and possession of property require three (3) weeks for return date.
- One original form and one copy for each defendant are required.
- Forms filed that do not comply with required original and copy for each defendant will be returned for correction.
- You must file the correct business name of the company. The State Corporation Commission can provide this information at 804-371-9733.
- Civil Court is held on Tuesday at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and Thursday's at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. Civil Trials are heard on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
- Unlawful Detainers without counsel will be heard every Tuesday at 9 a.m. and trials are at 1:30 p.m.
- Unlawful Detainers with counsel are heard every Monday and Wednesday at 9 a.m. and Friday at 1 p.m. Unlawful Detainers with counsel trials are heard on Friday at 9 a.m. and 1:20 p.m.
- Small Claims are heard every Tuesday at 10 a.m. and trials are at 1:30 p.m.
For Legal Assistance Please refer to the following information:
"Prince William County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service"
703-393-2306, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday - Friday.
$35.00 fee for 30 minute consultation with a Lawyer.
You can find civil forms here.
- Warrant in debt, Warrant in Detinue, and Unlawful Detainers costs are: filing fee is $50.00 without sheriff service; $62.00 with one (1) defendant / $74.00 with two (2) defendants, if using service by the sheriff.
- Garnishments; filing fee is $50.00; sheriff service $12.00 for debtor and $12.00 for garnishee - totaling $74.00 for one defendant. There is a $12.00 sheriff fee for an additional debtor/defendant that are banking at the same establishment.
- Show Causes, Capias, the fee is $12.00 per defendant for sheriff service only.
- Writ of possession and writ of fieri facius fees are $25 for the first defendant and $12 for each additional defendant
Fax Number: 703-792-6646
*Call 703-792-6149 for additional information on civil filing with more than two (2) defendants, or if the defendant resides outside of Virginia OR if you need information beyond what is provided on this website.
Other service fee costs are:
- Secretary of the Commonwealth - $28.00
- Department of Motor Vehicles - $28.00
- State Corporation Commission - $30.00
- Sheriff Service - $12.00 per defendant
- Writ Tax Appeal to Circuit Court - cannot be greater then $129.00
* Payments are accepted in the form of cash, money order, credit card or check. Checks are preferred.