The public can report illicit discharge to our office by sending an email to us at [email protected].
What is an illicit discharge?
An illicit discharge is generally any material, liquid or oil that enters the storm drain system AND is not composed entirely of storm water. We all need to play a role in preventing the wrong fluids, materials and runoff from washing down the storm drain since it can pollute our streams and impact our drinking water.
Potential Sources of Illicit Discharges
What is not considered an Illicit Discharge?
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program (IDDE)
Prince William staff has the legal responsibility to control discharges and impose fines against anyone who knowingly allows or causes pollutants to enter the storm drain system. There are a number of engineered components to an effective storm drain system. Learn more about the methods we use to control storm water runoff.
This authority is grated through a permit from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Staff regularly inspect storm water outfalls to check for the presence of illicit substances from deliberate dumping, leaks from sanitary water systems or other sources. We also inspect facilities that could potentially discharge unwanted wastes into the storm drain such as automotive service facilities, landfills, municipal facilities and other operations.
Road salts can make it safer for us to walk and drive around in the wintertime. It helps keep roads open, and allows businesses,
government, and social services to stay open with little interruption. However, it only takes one teaspoon of salt to permanently pollute 5 gallons of water.
Salt seeped into the environment can:
Since there's no easy or cheap way to remove salt from our environment, we can all do our part to be #WinterSaltSmart by implementing smart salt management.
Use commercial car washes when possible, since the wastewater is regulated/treated.
Washing your car and degreasing auto parts at home can send detergents and other contaminants through the storm drain system. Dumping automotive fluids into storm drains has the same result as dumping the materials directly into a water body.
If you wash or repair your vehicle at home, consider the following practices:
Use Phosphate free soaps and detergents.
Wash vehicle on grassy areas or in an area so that water, detergents, and dirt can be filtered through the soil.
Repair and prevent leaks from oil and other auto fluids by using oil pans/other systems of collection.
Use rags and absorbent materials instead of water to clean up accidental spills of vehicle fluids.
Visit environmentally responsible repair shops which properly dispose of used car parts and fluids.
Dispose of used oil and old batteries at proper disposal locations or the County Landfill.
Excess fertilizers and pesticides applied to lawns and gardens wash off and pollute streams. In addition, yard clippings and leaves can wash into storm drains and contribute nutrients and organic matter to streams.
Avoid overwatering your lawn.
Fertilize in the fall.
Use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly and use only recommended amounts when needed. Use organic mulch, safer pest control methods and organic slow release fertilizers when possible. Test your soil first to see what is needed. Contact the Cooperative Extension for assistance at 703-792-6285.
Make sure excess fertilizer and pesticides are swept from impervious surfaces to prevent them from washing away during storm events.
Trim grass to no less than 3 inches, this allows proper root growth to help prevent sediment runoff
Compost or mulch yard waste, do not leave it in the street or sweep into storm drains.
Prevent erosion by maintaining vegetative cover, using mulch and correcting drainage problems.
Cover piles of dirt or mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent materials from washing into storm drain.
Reduce areas of grass/turf and consider planting native plants. Planted in the right place, native plants are adapted to local environmental conditions, they require far less water, saving time, money, and perhaps the most valuable natural resource, water. In addition to providing vital habitat for birds, many other species of wildlife benefits as well.
Consider using sustainable practices in landscaping such as permeable pavement, rain barrels, rain gardens, and vegetated filter strips
Please don't blow or rake your leaves into the neighborhood storm drain. It is that rectangular opening in the curb. It does not go to a local water treatment plant. It instead flows directly to local creeks and streams. The leaves and organic plant waste from your yard add harmful nutrients that can reduce oxygen in the water. This is bad for the living creatures and plants in the water. The leaves and plant waste may also carry excess fertilizers and chemicals that you may spread this fall to help your lawn next spring. Fertilizers can encourage the growth of algae, which can also be harmful to other water plants and animals. To learn more, please visit Illicit discharge
For ideas on how to create compost using your leaves, grass clippings and yard waste, please visit: Compost at home. You can also drop off leaves for composting at the county landfill or compost facility, learn more at
Surprisingly, pet waste can be a major contributor of bacteria and excessive nutrients to local waters. Some urban areas have found pet waste to contribute up to 50% of the total bacteria content in streams.
Remember to pick up pet waste and dispose of it properly. Bagging, then flushing or placing pet wastes in the trash is the best disposal method.
Leaving pet waste on the ground increases public health risk by allowing harmful bacteria and nutrients to wash into storm drains, and eventually local water bodies.
Leaking and poorly maintained septic systems release nutrients and pathogens (bacteria and viruses) that can be picked up by storm water and discharged into nearby water bodies. Pathogens can cause public health problems and environmental concerns. Do not dispose of household hazardous waste in sinks or toilets as it can damage your septic system. Note: Prince William County requires the pumping of septic systems every 5 years.
Proper storage and disposal of trash, recycling, and household hazardous wastes prevents these items from making their way into the storm drain system as storm water runoff, or washing directly entering the County’s water bodies.
Floating trash and debris have become significant pollutants, especially in waterways and oceans where large amounts of trash and plastic debris can concentrate in small areas. Floating trash detracts from the aesthetics of a landscape. It poses a threat to wildlife and human health (e.g., choking hazards to wildlife and bacteria to humans).
Many products found in homes contain chemicals potentially harmful to both people and the environment. Chemical products such as oven cleaners, paint removers, bug killers, solvents, and drain cleaners are just a few common hazardous products in the home. Using alternative products instead of toxic substances drastically reduces the presence of toxics in storm water and receiving waters. Common toxic substances found in the home are cleaners, automotive products, and pesticides. Properly store and dispose of unused Household hazardous wastes at the County Landfill.
Take steps to prevent trash from making its way into storm system:
Store waste in proper containers in locations not subjected to storm water runoff
Ensure the trash is covered
Clean up remaining liquids and residues since they can still be washed away during rain events and create pollution
If not disposed of properly, the chlorine, bromine, algaecides, cleaning chemicals, and lack of dissolved oxygen in pool water can kill fish and other aquatic life in streams. In addition, releasing large volumes of water quickly can cause stream bank erosion.
According to county ordinance, only de-chlorinated, pH neutral, chemical-free, clean water may be slowly discharged to the storm drain system. Here are simple measures that can be taken to further protect the environment and prevent damage due to the release of large volumes of water.
Use removal agents or allow untreated water to sit for approximately 10 days to allow the chlorine or bromine to dissipate. Use a pool test kit to ensure that there aren't any detectable levels of chlorine or bromine before emptying the pool water. Check the pH to ensure it is at an acceptable level (7- neutral).
Discharge water into heavily vegetated area and control the rate of the water flow to help minimize erosion.