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October is Pedestrian Safety Month: Use Crosswalks for Safety

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October is Pedestrian Safety Month, and the Prince William County Police Department joins the Department of Motor Vehicles and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration in reminding pedestrians and drivers to respect each other to stay safe on the roads.

Drivers must stop – not just yield – for pedestrians in all crosswalks in Virginia in any marked or unmarked intersection where the speed limit is 35 mph or less. They could face a fine of between $100 and $500 if they fail to do so. Drivers can proceed once the pedestrian has passed the lane in which the vehicle is stopped.

Pedestrians must do their parts as well. While it might be convenient to cross a roadway wherever they happen to be, those on foot should use marked crosswalks for increased safety. Following are some tips to be safe if you are walking by yourself or with others:

  • Cross the street at the corner and use marked crosswalks when they are available. That’s where drivers are expecting to see you.
  • Wait for the walk signal to cross the street. 
  • Watch for turning vehicles. 
  • Before crossing look left, right, and left again. 
  • Watch out for blind spots around trucks and buses. 
  • Avoid using your cell phone while you are crossing the street. 
  • On an off-street trail, obey all posted signage and approach intersections with caution.
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