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    Effective March 31, 2025, the use of solid waste decals will be discontinued. The Tax Administration will cease the issuance of these decals as of March 14th.

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    Effective March 31, 2025, the use of solid waste decals will be discontinued. The Tax Administration will cease the issuance of these decals as of March 14th.

Important Information for Our Business Taxpayers

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On Friday afternoon, Feb. 24, 2023, the Prince William County Tax Administration Office was made aware of an unfortunate situation related to Business Tangible Property (BTP) renewal forms. Approximately 6,300 of the county’s 12,000 plus BTP renewal forms were mailed to county businesses by our third-party print and mail vendor on Feb. 20, 2023.

Unfortunately, due to a programming error on the part of the print and mail vendor, many businesses received their BTP renewal form but also received, in the same envelope, a second BTP renewal form for an unrelated business.

The Tax Administration Office sincerely regrets this situation occurred with such a large-scale print and mail vendor with a national and international presence and apologizes for the inconvenience it has caused our business community. The third-party print and mail vendor has agreed to contact the impacted businesses in a letter accepting complete responsibility for the mishap and expressing their sincere apology for the error. They have assured us that all businesses have now received the proper BTP renewal forms. If your business received a BTP renewal form for an unrelated business, please shred and discard it accordingly.

If you have any questions, email or call Taxpayer Services at [email protected] or 703-792-6710.

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